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Johanna Mueller-Hermann 1868-1941

Started by giles.enders, Wednesday 30 April 2014, 12:11

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Does any one know what her opus number 29 refers to.  I have been unable to trace it.


Hrm. Interesting, ONB has 200-odd manuscripts by Mueller-Hermann including the autograph of her piano sonata op.8 and of sketches of her piano quintet op.31 etc...`

"Ode : Fassung für gemischten Chor. [Op. 29]"

Text by Hermann Lingg.

Next: Ode für Soli, Frauenchor, Streicherorchester, Harfe und Orgel : Op. 29, (Autograph score and vocal score @ ÖNB. Also copy parts. As are material, manuscript and published, for the symphony for solo, chorus and orchestra op.27 and lots of other works. Hrm. ... Neat.)


I note that Wheesht notes that Op.27's material is held at the Archiv Frau und Musik in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. ÖNB has either copies of the manuscripts or in some cases perhaps the original autographs of some of these works (see Wien: Nationalbibliothek link. - when searching under Müller-Hermann one sees 209 musikhandschrift (music manuscripts) and an about equal number of musikdruck (music publications).)


I've just discovered in two scores of mine, given to me by someone cleaning his basement several years ago, the signatures of Johanna Müller-Hermann, to whom these books belonged. As can be seen, she lived in the first district of Vienna, Hegelgasse 7, very close to both the concert houses of Vienna. Also in the batch of music was a conductor's score of Strauss' Don Juan with the stamp "J.B.Foerster" on it, who was one of the teachers of Johanna Müller-Hermann.

Gareth Vaughan

How splendid! You are lucky. And I am envious!


The Overture and Symphonic Fantasy can be heard on NML if you do a bit of searching.