Paul Juon Orchestral Works Vol. 1

Started by Wheesht, Friday 09 May 2014, 18:03

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I will definitely try to get a listen to the CD- am guessing I will enjoy most of it for my own part, and at least almost all of the rest of the series which I hope Sterling will continue at length... thanks for the reviews :)!


Have been listening to this several times in the past few days. The symphony, alas, is no forgotten masterwork. It's skillfully written to be sure, the orchestration solid - and loud (try the finale). It makes a grand noise, but goes nowhere, and thematically it's weak. As soon as it's over, I forget the tunes. Contrary to the usual defect of lesser symphonies, in this one it's the first movement that's the weakest. I really enjoy Juon's chamber music and was hoping for so much more. Still, bring on vol. 2....

Mark Thomas

I listened to this CD again this morning and can only conclude that what I wrote earlier was penned during a fit of uncharacteristic euphoria. This time around my impressions chimed much more with what Martin has written above. The Symphony really is a dull piece of work, and Vægtervise is repetitive and derivative of Tchaikovsky. On the other hand, what I am listening to now is tremendously impressive.


While I agree with what has been said about the first movement of the Symphony, I do admit to rather liking the rest of the work. Although the Bern concert hall was only about two thirds full last week , the audience certainly reacted very favourably to the spirited performance by Mario Venzago and the Bern Symphony Orchestra. The scherzo made quite an impact (not just on me), as did the slow movement and the finale. I for one am hoping for more Juon concerts by the same forces if and when they happen. Meanwhile I certainly look forward to listening to Vol. II on Sterling.


Hopefully later discs in the series (presumably more consistently of his mature orchestral (and concertante?) works) will make a better general impression than this one seems to have ;)