Bortkiewicz - ein lyrisches intermezzo for violin and Orchestra opus 44

Started by Cheah SC, Tuesday 15 July 2014, 06:20

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Cheah SC

full title of this piece is
"Des Frühlings und des Pans Erwachen - ein lyrisches intermezzo nach Gemälden von Sandro Botticelli" Op 44

Who has this recording? Played by Jaro Schmied at 26 February 1952 (or played by somebody also can).  This score is still missing. Further info refer to  (topic : After World War II)

Richard Moss

Many years ago I obtained a cassette of 'synthesised' orchestral  works (when no other versions existed), authored by a Mr Thadani, who had made it his lifelong work to rescue music by Bortkiewicz (and others).  He may well have come across this score, if it existed/survived.  I no longer have his contact details but I believe he has/had a web address that might provide a point of contact.

hope this helps


Richard Moss

I didn't mean to imply in my reply that I knew this particular piece had been recorded, just that Mr Thadani was a very knowledgeable on the works of Bortkiewicz and might have heard about it/its fate?




Sorry - my question was aimed at the originator of this line, Cheah SC - s/he wrote "Who has this recording?".....

Cheah SC

Many years ago i obtained a cassette recording from Mr Malcolm Henbury-Ballan (Hyperion-records, booklet writer for Bortkiewicz 2 symphonies).  From his e-mail, he mentioned before, he has the recording (LP? cassette?), but the condition is not good... ... unfortunately my cassette lost 2, 3 years ago... ...


hhmmmm what a shame.   Maybe someone here knows Hyperion to ask? :)


I know Malcolm and he is a damned decent fellow, so I will ask him.




Thal kindly drew this to my attention.  The Op 44 Lyrical intermezzo is still in manuscript and has been on my search list for many years [I can assure you Thadani did not have a copy of the score nor made any recordings of this work].

I did obtain a recording from Austrian Radio - this was taken from the composer's 70th birthday concert and performed by Jaro Schmied - but alas the original recording was slightly damaged just at the climax of the work.  I did managed to contact Jaro but unfortunately, he did not have a copy of the score (although he clearly remembered the composer with much admiration). 

I do have a copy of the work on disc but unfortunately, my disc drive on my pc is broken, so unable to upload it at this stage [I'll speak with the friend to see if I can use his pc].  I will inform folk as and when I have a digital copy I can share.  By the way the concert also includes the Overture to a Fairytale Opera and Symphony No. 1..........all three works were conducted by the composer, which makes it a very unique recording. 


Thank you very much for this update Mr Henbury-Ballan.  I look forward to hearing more, as I'm sure do many others!  From reading around the internet, I understand that you are something of a Bortkiewicz expert.  Do you mind if I ask you about his opera The Acrobats? Is it definitively destroyed, or is it simply lost in the sense that no one can find it? It seems such a tragedy.



Unfortunately, there are still a number of scores by Bortkiewicz that remain missing - Piano Trio, Cello Suite and Sonata, the original manuscripts of the symphonies, as well his opera Acrobats amongst several other works.  To my understanding these remain 'missing' as oppose being destroyed or lost, in the same way as the symphonies were deemed missing or destroyed in WW II until I located them; and also some of his later piano works, which have recently come to light.  All the scores were deemed still available as I hold copies of the Austrian Bortkiewicz Society papers and these works are listed and were performed even after the compsoer's death [along side the composer's own works list].  There are still many archival / libray holdings still to be fully digitalised and catalogued, and / or it may be they are held by private collectors [a certain gentleman, for example, in Hong Kong holds several Bortkiewicz manucripts - the original left-hand version of the 2nd piano conerto and some piano pieces for left hand - but will not allow any one to view them].  I also hope as libraries improve their electronic holdings that some of these scores may come to light.  For example, the Olympic Scherzo / Overture written for the Olympic Games in 1948 is here somewhere in England.  It was performed in 1971 by the Lancashire Youth Orchestra, but unfortunately the conductor does not know where the leader of the orchestra obtained the score although I suspect somewhere in the North West [and the leader is now deceased].  I have tried looking on line through OPAC and checked with numerous libraries with no success, yet am positive it must be in the area and likely on a card catalogue waiting to be re-discovered !!

I never say never..............I believe Acrobats is out there somewhere.  Of interest, Acrobats was recorded by Berlin Radio, but again no copy of that recording has yet come to light.



Dear Richard
  In the past I had contact with Thadani, he was one expert in Bortkiewicz(Godard, Etc) ,he made one translation of Recollection by Bortkiewicz. Thadani too made arrangements with synthetizador of violin and cello concert by Bortkiewicz. The problem was he has more eigthy's and sicked of arthritis. His mail is if my mind don't fail  I bought from him some much interesting cd's


Dear Richard, then Did you get this piece op 44 from Thadani or other person?

Dear Malcolm, I see that you are one great researcher about Bortkiewicz!!


The Acrobats was recorded by Berlin Radio?  That is an absolutely fascinating piece of information Malcolm!  Do you have any more information about this?  When was this?  East Germany or West Germany etc?