Fran Lhotka - Violin Concerto - first modern performance audio now on YouTube

Started by eternalorphea, Saturday 18 October 2014, 14:44

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Fran Lhotka's Violin Concerto in the Master Cycle of the Symphonists
Published on: 2014-10-17
The second concert of the season Master Cycle, will be held on Thursday, October 23rd at 19:30 in the Lisinski Concert Hall. The Croatian Radio-Television Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by Maestro John Repušić, and as soloist will be performing violinist Marin Maras, in the first modern performance of the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra by Fran(tišek) Lhotka.

Mussorgsky: Night on a Desolate Mountain, symphonic poem
Fran Lhotka : Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D minor
Tchaikovsky : 1st Symphony in G minor , Op. 13

In the shadow of successful ballets such as 'The Devil in the Village' remained other works by Croatian composer of Czech origin, Dvořák's student who after his first year of professional activity in the Ukrainian Dnipropetrovsk sought and found livelihood in Zagreb, first as cornist and accompanist at the Opera, later professor at the Music Academy. Among Lhotka's works which with total unjust remained forgotten is too the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra. Though Lhotka composed it as thirty-year-old, at daybreak of World War I, 1913, nothing of the historical avant-garde and expressionist anticipation of global cataclysm ain't contained in it. The concerto overflows from flood of melodic abundance of a dvořákovian momentum; openly admits role models, classifying itself alongside similar works written by Tchaikovsky or Brahms. Revitalization of the work, a return to regular concert life it undoubtly deserves, is entrusted to the best: violinistic flagship in the younger generation Marin Maras and currently most propulsive Croatian conductor Ivan Repušić who with great success builds a career in European opera theaters.

Tickets: 40 and 60 kn

Direct broadcast of the concert on HR3 (Croatian Radio, third channel).


ah, good! I've noticed a few works by Mr Lhotka broadcast over Euroclassic Notturno/BBC Through the Night, including his string quartet in G minor...

By cornist do you mean hornist or cornettist? I assume you do not mean teller of corny jokes (that's my job, and I'm sticking to it. Yes, I now remember- darn senility-at-45... - quick and easy with Google translator, so I should ask if -they- mean that... :D )

Alan Howe


And, if you please provide more information on the work, i.e. key and movement titles/tempos, if possible?


They complain about it not being performed, but has it been published? Nooooooo... One step at a time, people. It's easier to get one after the other. Don't ask violinists and orchestras to read from (often illegible) manuscripts after two rehearsals...
His concerto for string orchestra has been published, though, I see.


Get ready to record! It's so unsung.. Who knows, we might not have the opportunity to hear it again ever

Direct broadcast of the concert on HR3 (Croatian Radio, third channel).

October 23rd at 19:30 in the Lisinski Concert Hall.

Pay attention to the time difference between two time zones


am listening to this rubish right now and cant belive I wasted my time on writing a post about this. The violinist's no good (He actually got the notes 2 monts ago, while having at the same time several other projects he was working on). The conductor I'm satisfied with

Violinists who performed the concert to this day:
Otilie Reiniger (premiere performance in Prague; second performance in Zagreb),
Josip Klima in 1970s?,
Tamara Smirnova in ~1980,
Marin Maras yesterday

Mark Thomas

What a shame. Was it just the performance which disappointed you, or both that and the music itself?


reply to Mark Thomas

Once upon a time, when I was a kid (~10y ago), I heard a portion of this concerto, and was sure the author's name falls among well-known ones, until the reproduction finished and radio-speaker said 'the violin concerto by Fran Lhotka'.. I knew nothing back then (no insight into theory, musicology), whilst today I know a good deal of what I have dreamt of knowing.. So, maybe my expectations were a little too high... I do no. About no Dora's (Pejačević's) work have I ever been faced with such dilemma, not a single exception, cause she's simply a great composer :)

Alan Howe


Mark Thomas



Have listened to it again, and just kept repeating the ending minute and half for 5-6 times..

This is the link to the minute 29:51, if you wish to do the same ;)

Gareth Vaughan

I have just listened to the performance on youtube and, I must say, I rather like the piece - but the violinist is dire. Oh dear!