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Volkmar Andreae, new Cd, vol 3

Started by Aramiarz, Monday 01 December 2014, 06:25

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: CDVOLKMAR ANDREAE (1879-1962): Orchestral Works, Vol. 3 - Symphony in F, Concertino for Oboe and Orchestra, Op. 42, Li-Tai-Pe for Tenor and Orchestra, Op. 37.Price: $19.98


Description: Part of his graduation dissertation, the symphony (1989-1900) is a full-length, four-movement work of 37 minutes. The main influence is Brahms and Andreae shows just how Brahmsian he can be in both the youthful, relaxed pastoralism of the first movement (young Brahms of the first Serenade) as well as weighty and serious in the big Adagio (where a Brucknerian nobility and breadth unite with Brahmsian melody). You may need to play it through again immediately, such is the felicity of the melodies and the gorgeous orchestration. The Chinese Songs (1931) are from the same source Hans Bethge called Li-Po but translated by a different person. They are not as Mahlerian as the symphony is Brahmsian but are entirely engrossing in their own right and were performed by both Julius Patzak and Ernst Haefliger. The late Concertino of 1941 is Andreae's penultimate opus number and, at over 18 minutes, is as long as many oboe concertos of the period. This is absolutely lovely, especially the last two movements, unhurriedly flowing along like a Germanic version of the pastoral Vaughan Williams. German-English texts. John Anderson (oboe), Benjamin Hulett (tenor), Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra; Marc Andreae.

Alan Howe