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Brun Symphony No.2

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 06 May 2015, 21:47

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Alan Howe

...forthcoming from Adriano on Guild:
A must-buy for me!


Have you other experience Alan with this composer?
Tom :)


Thanks, Alan, for this news; even I did not know yet eactly when it was going to be issued :-)
Brun's music is somethig very special. His later Symphonies are more difficult to listen to, but the Second is a lyrical pleasant sounding post-Romantic matter; perhaps an exception in Brun's career, since it was written to homage his friend Othmar Schoeck, who at that time was working on his Violin Concerto. The composers had agreed that their last movements should start with the same four notes. The Symphonic Prologue is impressive, dramatic, monumental and often dissonant - and a very difficult piece; I consider it a masterpiece :-). Incidentally, my last year's CD with Brun's works for piano and orchestra is getting one excellent review after another; this music really deserves it. Still waiting for more reactions on the CD with the 4th Symphony which was publsihed a few months ago...


This sounds like a must have for me.
Tom :)

Gareth Vaughan


I know you have already recorded the 3rd on Sterling, but is another recording of that symphony planned for Guild by any chance?


Hi Gareth and thanks for your interest :-)
Unfortunately not, even though I would like to do this in order to get a little better played version - although it is still a fairly acceptable one...
Don't forget that this whole series could only be realised thanks to private funds, and these are nearly used. Guild just pays the pressing and the booklet's printing, this on an exceptional basis, since other commitments alkso require to cover these costs.
And don't dream about a 10-CD box: nobody would venture - and pay - such a thing.
In the coming August, the last CD of this series will be completed; it will be the most expensive one since it involves also a 60-member's chorus and Brun's most large orchestral formation (in a piece of 12 minutes!).
See my article

... and here the link to the latest CD, which is available now:

Alan Howe

I suspect that for many of us here at UC Brun's Symphony No.2 will prove to be one of his most attractive scores. I'm really looking forward to receiving my copy of this glorious work.


Alan Howe

The performance of the symphony is indeed glorious. If this isn't one of my CDs of 2015 I'll eat one of my sun hats - which, judging by the weather we've had so far, won't be worn this summer anyway! I do thoroughly recommend this utterly marvellous music, so beautifully played and recorded here. Another triumph for Adriano and his intrepid Moscow orchestra!

Alan Howe

Expert liner notes, by the way, from the conductor - really helpful.


Thanks very much Alan! Once again I must blush...
Of course, a perfectionist like me cannot listen to this recording without feeling ashamed for all those things which could have been done better. Time and money are the worst enemies of CD productions...
Still, I always try to create a spontaneous atmosphere, giving the impression as if it would be a live recording.
This was my last recording in Moscow. I switched over to Bratislava (where I started conducting in 1987!) for social-political reasons. One can read an article on my decision on:


Now I can't wait for my copy. However for me the Raff "Intermezzi" would be my choice at this time.
Tom :)


which I found out is on the way having been shipped :)


As usual I managed to goof it up. I'm waiting for the Brun which was shipped 10 days ago and I've not yet ordered the O'Brien.

Alan Howe

No matter. I'll ungoof the O'Brien post for you...