Maliszewski PC and Symphony 3

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 22 February 2016, 23:22

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Alan Howe


This link is to the Bortkiewicz on Dutton, the Maliszewski (not a name I'd heard before) is CDLX7325 ???

Alan Howe

Thanks - duly amended. It was rather late when I posted...

Gareth Vaughan

I have long known the Maliszewski PC (I have the 2-piano score) and IMHO it is a terrific work. I'm very pleased it has at last been recorded.


This is first class news. I have a score of the PC and it is a massive play so Donohoe will have suited it perfectly. I'm also a huge admirer of Martin Yates so this couldn't be better for me. I wonder if the symphony is a good work. Maliszewski was Lutoslwaski's teacher. Very interesting release this.


The symphony can also be heard on youtube in a live performance by the Polish RNSO under Antoni Wit. The third string quartet is another impressive work that could hold its own on the concert platform. In the meantime this will have to do...,_Op.15_(Maliszewski,_Witold)

Alan Howe

Symphony No.3 is a fine, gripping, late-romantic work. Not particularly individual, but with drama and melody a-plenty. This is a must-buy for me.


Didn't we have a broadcast of one of Maliszewski's symphonies uploaded at one point- not sure if it was the 3rd though?

Alan Howe

Yes, that's where I must have got my recording from. I haven't checked, but it's probably the same as the one available on YouTube.


Alan Howe

Martin Yates' performance of the 3rd Symphony is a fine one - not quite as 'wild' (in places) as Wit's on YouTube, but with a convincing sense of purpose and nobility of spirit. 


Donohoe and the Piano Concerto. What an astounding player. A really good fun big boned piano concerto and so well worth being recorded. I believe there was a very early previous recording, but this one is masterful. The Symphony is a delight, worlds away from the concerto, but still a really interesting work and full of memorable melodies and moments. I haven't listened to the Wit version on YouTube, but will now do so, just to see. I cannot imagine the PC being bettered. And, the way Peter Donohoe runs all around the block in it, I think Martin Yates is a really first rate accompanist to stear this very exciting and spontaneous performance. I would love to hear it the Proms.....oh I wish.


Any new thoughts about this piece? What do you think? What's the style?


the symphony or the concerto? they were written decades apart...