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Raff symphonies from Chandos

Started by Mark Thomas, Tuesday 12 April 2016, 17:25

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Mark Thomas

I understand that the promised Chandos recording of Raff's Im Walde and Fourth Symphonies by L'orchestre de la Suisse Romande under Neeme Järvi will not now appear. The sessions for the third CD in the series were scheduled for October last year, but were cancelled. Järvi is no longer the principal conductor of the Geneva orchestra and it seems that the project is dead. What a shame, but at least we have two CDs of fine interpretations of some of Raff's finest orchestral music. Sic transit gloria mundi.


Not surprising. Chandos has a history of leaving incomplete series - Rufinatscha, Glazunov symphony cycle. I guess this mean's the curtains for the Atterberg series as well.

Gareth Vaughan

Yes. It's all VERY disappointing, particularly in view of the fact that Jarvi's performances were so marvellous. Chandos is not the label it used to be, I'm afraid.

Alan Howe

Disappointing, yes - very. However, a complete cycle was never promised. Nor was a cycle of Rufinatscha symphonies - just one follow-up CD. So, let's be grateful for what we have and not regret what was never going to happen anyway (i.e. complete cycles). Sometimes expectations can be too high. After all, it isn't as if we haven't already got good recordings of the Raff or Rufinatscha (or Glazunov) symphonies.

Gareth Vaughan

True. But then I wasn't expecting complete Raff or Rufinatscha cycles - just what we were promised. I was especially looking forward to hearing what Jarvi did with 'Im Walde'. Heigh ho! We must, as you say, be grateful for what we have.


I agree that a complete cycle was never promised but even "follow-up CD" that you mentioned hasn't seen the light of day.

I feel let down because I was looking forward to an unsung symphony interpreted by a sung conductor. Järvi's version of Symphony No. 2 and 5 were nothing short of brilliant [IMHO] and I was really looking forward to his take on this leisurely stroll in the woods, especially the humongous Forest-Hunt last movement which I feel has never been executed to full capacity in any of it's outings.

As for "good enough" recordings of Raff - I agree - they were GOOD ENOUGH but that's all they are ... good enough - Except for Herrmann's Lenore! I was looking for a fresh new look at these neglected symphonies, which Järvi would have given us if not for the unfortunate circumstances. It's frustrating to see a promising project go down the drain when I see another Schubert or Schumann or Beethoven Symphony cast into a new mold as if we don't have enough of those already.

In the end I am grateful for the 2 discs, even if there aren't going to be any more. Thank you Mr. Järvi for taking a road less traveled!

Mark Thomas

Gareth hit the nail on the head when he said that Chandos isn't the label it once was. The number of CDs they release has declined, as has their adventurousness. That said, maybe the decision was forced upon them: we mustn't forget, as I mentioned in my earlier post, that Järvi left L'orchestre de a Suisse Romande in 2015 after his initial three year contract expired, and he's in his late 70s now. Either of those reasons could be why the third Raff recording was abandoned. I do know that up until this time last year Chandos fully intended to go ahead with it, because they commissioned new editions of both symphonies.

Alan Howe

The Stadlmair recordings of Raff on Tudor are actually more than good. They're pretty well uniformly excellent. And we also have a superb Im Walde from d'Avalos...

How about a letter to Chandos? Anyone up for that?

BTW who said "good enough"? Certainly not me!


I haven't the d'Avalos Im walde. Can you explain why its superb?

Sorry Alan, I guess I misread. I wasn't implying that they were not good. Just that the rest of the set by Järvi would have been something!!!

Alan Howe

D'Avalos' Im Walde is superbly played and recorded, for a start; it also has a certain 'rightness' about its choice of tempi. In other words, it's an excellent, central performance which avoids extremes, but which brings out the full stature of the work. Stadlmair's version is also excellent, in a slightly harder-edged way.

Gareth Vaughan

I did write to Chandos last night actually, and received the following rather dusty reply (I give the complete correspondence):

Dear Mr Vaughan

Thank you for your kind message and enquiry. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, no further recordings of Raff with Neeme Jarvi are currently envisaged.

Best regards

Dean Austin
Chandos Records Limited

On 12/04/2016 20:54, Gareth Vaughan wrote:
Dear Sir or Madam,

I have greatly enjoyed the disks of Raff's 2nd & 5th symphonies with the Suisse Romande Orchestra under Neeme Jarvi and was looking forward to hearing them perform the 3rd & 4th symphonies, recordings of which were promised. However, I understand that the recording sessions were cancelled. Does this mean that we shall have no more Raff from Jarvi and Chandos? If so, I am deeply disappointed. You will doubtless tell me that sales of the two earlier CDs did not justify further recordings of this repertoire and, if that is the case, I cannot argue with your decision. But it is nevertheless a bitter disappointment.

Yours sincerely,
Gareth Vaughan


Mark Thomas

If the circumstances genuinely were beyond their control, then it points to Järvi's hasty departure from Geneva after only three years as being the reason.

Gareth Vaughan

I suspect you are right, Mark. So maybe not really Chandos' fault. If Jarvi had a falling out with the orchestra, Chandos would be right to be discreet about it. I think we can read between the lines, however.

Alan Howe

Wikipedia tells us that Järvi was only appointed to the OSR for a period of three years (2012-15):