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Clement Michael Spurling

Started by giles.enders, Thursday 21 April 2016, 11:17

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Clement Michael Spurling  Born Camberwell, London  28.9.1870  Died  Cuckfield, Sussex 1.4.1940

Clement was the sixth of nine children1born to Henry and Saverina Spurling.  Henry was a member of the London Stock Exchange.  Clement married Mabel Grace Kane in 1905 and had three children2.  For most of his career he was music master at Oundle School (1891-1936), where he did much to improve standards within the music department.  He composed the school song which is still sung at Oundle. He was a keen mountaineer and a member of the Alpine Club.  In an article in the May 1942 issue of The Musical Times, it states that he had a great practical gift for education and goes on to say that he was an absolutist; he aimed at great music and got it. 


'A Stately Dance' pub. by Edwin Ashdown Ltd


Impromptu in G  1896  pub. by Augener
'Child -life' Twelve easy pieces  1897 pub by Edwin Ashdown Ltd
'A Stately Dance'  1898  pub. by Edwin Ashdown Ltd
Four Fancies; Gavotte, Impromptu-waltz, A Quiet dance, Caprice.  1905  pub. by Edwin Ashdown Ltd
Miniatures, Twelve easy pieces  Op.5  1908  pub. by Augener  Ltd
'A Village Fair'  Eight characteristic pieces  Op.6  pub. by Augener Ltd
Bagatelles.  Eight easy pieces  Op.7  pub. by Augener Ltd
'An interesting Story'  pub by Augener Ltd
'A Morning Canter'  pub by Augener Ltd.
Six short pieces  Op.9  pub. by Novello & Co.Ltd
'Early Spring'  Six pieces  Op.10  pub. by Augener Ltd
'Our Village in Summer'  Six pieces  Op.11 1916  pub. by Novello & Co. Ltd
'Our Village in Winter'  Six pieces  1926  pub. by Novello & Co. Ltd
Pastoral Scenes  1924 pub. by E Arnold
'Buffoon'  1930  pub. by Joseph Williams Ltd

Voice and Piano

'Send back my long-stray'd eyes to me'  words by John Donne  1897  pub. by Boosey & Co.
'There is a Dew for the Flow'ret  words by Thomas Hood  1897  pub. by Boosey & Co.
'I'd be a Butterfly' words by Thomas Haynes Bayly  1898  pub. by Boosey & Co.
'When I saw Chloe's Face'  words by Robert Pearson Brereton  pub. by C Woodhouse and later by Novello & Co. Ltd
'Carmen Undeliense'  words by Richard F Patterson  1912 pub. by Novello & Co. Ltd (Oundle School Song)
'Christ was born on Christmas Day'  words by John Mason Neale  1912  pub. by Novello & Co.Ltd
'From the East come Monarchs wise'  words by A C Bray  1915  pub. by Novello & Co. Ltd
'God be in my head'  1916 pub. by Novello & Co.Ltd
'All Good Christians gather here'  words by A C Bray    pub. by Novello & Co. Ltd
'Take, Shepherd, take thy prize' unison song  1926   pub. by Novello & Co.Ltd


Two short preludes  Op.8  pub. by Novello & Co. Ltd

Marion Spurling  1863
Stephern J Spurling  1964
Gertrude A Spurling  1866
Harry R Spurling  1867
Basil Spurling  1868
Clement Michael Spurling  1870
Dennis Spurling  1872
Louisa Spurling  1874
Cicely Spurling  1876

John Michael Kane Spurling  27.6.1906 -1980
Barbara Spurling  27.6. 1909 -1999
Nancy Mabel Spurling 10.7.12 - 8.11.93

Clement was born at 7 De Crespigny Road, Camberwell, London

Gareth Vaughan

I don't know any of his music at all, although the name is vaguely familiar.


The Oundle School archivist has uploaded a recording of Carmen Undeliense on their website.  This is still sung at the school.


I would like to add a correction for the entry for CM Spurling who was my grandfather.  The biographical entry for him states that he had two children:
Michael John Michael Kane Spurling  27.6.1906 -1980
Barbara Spurling  27.6. 1909 -1999
However he and his wife, Mabel had a third child who was my mother:
Nancy Mabel Bower, nee Spurling 10.07.1912 - 8.11.1993.

Alan Howe

Thanks for that extra information.


Thank you for this 'addition'  I was prompted to investigate Clement Spurling as I am acquainted with Hilary Spurling and her husband John.   I couldn't make the connection but J.S. said the biographical material I had, made him believe there was a family connection.  I have amended my original posting.