Jaromir Weinberger Orchestral works

Started by Sharkkb8, Saturday 07 May 2016, 01:03

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...and for the record, this was released today, as an iTunes download.


This is really exciting! I've just downloaded the Sadlers Wells 1959 performance of Schwanda the Bagpiper. It's in English so we can share all the jokes.

I wish they'd do a modern recording of the Lincoln Symphony . It's available on You Tube in dire sound. It could be coupled with Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree Variations and the delightful Czech Rhapsody.

The red bike is an enigma... a green tricycle would have been more appropriate.

Gareth Vaughan

QuoteI wish they'd do a modern recording of the Lincoln Symphony . It's available on You Tube in dire sound. It could be coupled with Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree Variations and the delightful Czech Rhapsody.
Why not write to the record company and suggest it? I'd second your approach. A shame Gerd Albrecht is no longer alive to champion Weinberger.


Great suggestion Mike. All three works are very attractive and memorable. Do you recall who sent them to you so many years ago? Let's hope a second volume of Weinberger orchestral works will appear in the near future.

Mike Herman


 Do you recall who sent them to you so many years ago?

It was some American guy with a big collection and a big heart!

M. Yaskovsky

Alas some duplication with the Capriccio disc mentioned above but probably interesting as well https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/cpo/detail/-/art/jaromir-weinberger-orchesterwerke/hnum/5510420