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The worst

Started by giles.enders, Friday 30 July 2010, 12:20

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I am wondering what is the most disliked piece of romantic music, something that one would rush to turn off or realy grates.

Secondly what is the worst performance of a piece of romantic music you have heard?

I would suggest this topic only runs for August, and then we can return to more positive matters.


Good topic!!! I assume we're talking about classical music and not popular/film which I have more than a few. The first theme that came to my mind was the burro/donkey theme in the Grand Canyon Suite. That theme especially in America has been used ad infinitum.
Thomas :)


I lovede that as a teenager,especially the Telarc cd,which came a bit later,with the real thunder claps & the warning about possible damage to your eqipment. Oh,and the real Arizona crickets.........


The name "the most disliked" is a tall order, because it makes sense that if it's so disliked, how would many people know about it? Nonetheless....

Among orchestral players I associate with, there is one work that causes almost everyone to groan when it's programmed: the Franck symphony. Audiences may like it (although it seems to be less favored than it once was), conductors may revel in it, but the orchestra parts aren't all that rewarding to play.

For worst performance, there are so many to choose from, but the Marco Polo recording of the Furtwangler Piano Concerto is certainly a contender.

Gareth Vaughan

I personally am sick to death of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, solely because in recent years it has been played far too frequently on Radio 3. There was one period of 7 days last year in which it was played 3 times - the orchestral version by Rimsky-Korsakov twice and the piano version once. Don't get me wrong - it's a good piece, but I don't want to hear it that often!!  Once a year will do.


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Friday 30 July 2010, 17:46
I personally am sick to death of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, solely because in recent years it has been played far too frequently on Radio 3. There was one period of 7 days last year in which it was played 3 times - the orchestral version by Rimsky-Korsakov twice and the piano version once. Don't get me wrong - it's a good piece, but I don't want to hear it that often!!  Once a year will do.

BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!! Finally someone had the guts to say it!
I absolutely agree!

Alan Howe

More or less anything sung by Russell Watson.


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Friday 30 July 2010, 17:46
I personally am sick to death of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, solely because in recent years it has been played far too frequently on Radio 3. There was one period of 7 days last year in which it was played 3 times - the orchestral version by Rimsky-Korsakov twice and the piano version once. Don't get me wrong - it's a good piece, but I don't want to hear it that often!!  Once a year will do.

You mean Ravel, I assume.

What you need to do is listen to the other orchestrations. Stokowski, Wood, Funtek, Leonardi, Ashkenazi....amoung others.

(Personally I try and obtain everything orchestration and arrangement I can get my hands on...)


I hate to admit it,but I much prefer Stokowski's orchestration of 'Pictures'. It's more fun!
(And the ELP & Tomita versions,in that order! Haven't heard them for years,mind!)

Gareth Vaughan

I do mean Ravel - quite right. And I would be quite happy to listen to some of the other versions - one of my favourites is that done by Sir Henry Wood. But Radio 3 only ever plays the Ravel orchestration!!
But, seriously, even with multiple orchestrations, the attraction of the actual melodic material wears thin when it is played so very often. It's not a work of genius, in which one finds something new and inspiring almost every time it is played. It's just a good piece.


I detest the Schumann piano concerto and have done for years.

I hate it on a cellular basis. I blow my nose on its pages and dance on its grave.

I mock its feeble last movement and its pathetic repeteteteats.

All recordings are horrific. It is impossible to polish a turd.

The End


PS: it is rather hot and i have had too many beers, but i am certain i will feel the same in the morning.

John H White

I found the Liszt piano sonata really tough going when I heard it on the radio many years ago and I've never bothered to give it a second hearing.

Mark Thomas

Ravel's interminable Bolero, but I could nominate half a dozen alternatives.

Alan Howe

Elgar's Cello Concerto: I hate its umpteenth repeat of the week on ClassicFM, but then fall in love with it all over again when I actually choose to listen to it myself...

And I'm still waiting to be grabbed by Rubinstein 4 - but I just lose the will to live in trying...


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Friday 30 July 2010, 22:02
I do mean Ravel - quite right. And I would be quite happy to listen to some of the other versions - one of my favourites is that done by Sir Henry Wood. But Radio 3 only ever plays the Ravel orchestration!!
It's only just broadcast the Wood recently! (and let's not forget that Wood wanted to sideline his once he'd heard the Ravel anyway). I think that Exhibitionists at the Pictures (as a certain composer calls this work) is a fine composition but at the same time a terrible piano piece and, accordingly, it needs to be presented in another guise, the best by far of the many that I've heard to date being that which Elgar Howarth arranged for the Philip Jones brass ensemble a good many years ago - highly recommended.

