Nowowiejski: The Prodigal Son

Started by mikehopf, Saturday 10 September 2016, 01:00

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Here's a treat: The Prodigal Son  - Oratorio Op.3 on Dwojka Polskie Radio on Sunday night.

SPECIAL PROGRAM: Letni Festiwal Muzyczny
transmisja ze Studia Koncertowego PR im. Witolda Lutosławskiego - inauguracja sezonu Polskiej Orkiestry Radiowej (uwaga: kod NInA!!!!)
Anna Lubańska – mezzosopran,
Mateusz Zajdel - tenor,
Adam Pałka - bas,
Polska Orkiestra Radiowa,
dyr. Michał Klauza,
Chór Filharmonii Narodowej
(przygotowanie Henryk Wojnarowski)
- współorganizator koncertu:
Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny

Feliks Nowowiejski
Powrót syna marnotrawnego op. 3 - oratorium na 3 głosy solo, chór mieszany i orkiestrę do słów Teodora Rehbauma (3 hrs.)

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

I can't this time I'm afraid, so I'd appreciate a recording too, if someone could.


On my digital Cable Radio I have only Polskie 1 and not 2
On my Internet Radio Station I have found Dwoika and will try to record it. But without guarantee, since Internet Radio is always insecure.
And in the Radio's Homepage I cannot find an exact day's program, so at what time this will be broadcast?
Keep your fingers crossed :-)

Mark Thomas

Thanks for trying anyway. Much appreciated.


I've found the link: it starts at 19:00
After "Quo Vadis?", did he also write a cantata on "Ben Hur"? :-)


I have the pleasure to announce that the recording from Polskje Dwoika Internet Radio came out very well :-)
The Cantata lasts 70 minutes - I did not subdivide it into tracks, just took out some short "resting places" with a cappella coughing ensembles before starts of longer new episodes and ignored intitial and final applauses, so we have just the place for a CDR.
From the longer sections I could hear whilst editing, this music is absolutely splendid and the performance is very good. The singers are quite good, although not top; the chorus is excellent. I think it could be a masterwork... Great to get acquainted with more Polish music from the time of Szymanowski!
I have 3 formats: MP3, WAV and FLAC, and can send it to any e-mail address via wetransfer. Enjoy!


Excellent news, hadrianus! My attempt at recording this work was a spectacular failure.

I was listening again to Quo Vadis last night. What a powerful work it is! If Prodigal Son is half as good, I'll be a very happy Aussie.

Please put your recording up on the UC website , preferably in MP3 format.


Thank you for recording it. I can't wait to hear it!

Mark Thomas

Thank you Hadrianus, and we'll done. If no one else does so in the meantime, I'll be happy to upload it for the UC Downloads board, but can't do that for  a couple of weeks as I'm away from home.


You are all welcome :-)
Alan has just received all my transfers and CD artwork, suppose he will put it online soon.

Alan Howe

Thanks, Adriano. I don't have the technical know-how, but I'm sure some kind soul will upload it.


Good news again :-)
I think I have managed to create a Mediafire account. Try this:

Let me know if I was intelligent enough to succeed :-)
In this file you will find also some CDR artwork - and only the MP3 version.
I have re-edited my first version, splitting the whole into 8 "intuitive" tracks, since I have no score at hand.
Don't forget, whilst burning a CDR, to switch off the automatic option "set a pause of 1 seconds between tracks". :-)
Anybody wanting FLAC or WAV: just contact me over the message board and I can send these via wetransfer.


Terrific, Adriano. You are a genius!

Now that you know how to do it so well, can we expect more splendid downloads from you?


You certainly can, mikehopf, but you and other UC members should always let me know which important broadcasts are wanted, since I don't always have the time to browse through all radio programs. In any case, If I am home on a particular broadcast's time, I have internet radio, digital cable radio and Swiss DAB radio possibilities :-) And I can upload only a free capacitiy of datas at Mediafire, or I will delete older uploads in there after a couple of months. The broadcasts I am also particularly interested in, I save them to my harddisc and on CDR anyway, just in case... Fortunately enough, there are other UC members having good recording sources/facilities...