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Never-released unsung recordings

Started by Christopher, Friday 28 October 2016, 02:16

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Alan Howe



That was in 2012... A pity we don't even have a recording of that performance. Wasn't the pianist James Tocco going to record both the PC's of E Franck?


Presumably not if the 2nd isn't performable.

I notice that at least one of Richard Franck's 3 piano concertos were published (in 1910) in reduction anyway, but hope they still exist in parts or full score. Hope there are plans to record those, but that's a bit offtopic.

Gareth Vaughan

Oh, it would be performable, with a bit of work however. It was never printed but the ms full score exists; indeed, I have a photocopy of it.

Would be interested to see the Richard Franck PC, and learn if the others exist, and if so where they are.


ah ok, I completely misread Ilja's comment to this thread of this morning :)


That said, Ilja, if you have a radio dub, it's not "never-released" under the terms of this particular thread- which is about _never_ (and nowhere) released unsung recordings. Not just commercially unissued, but really and truly unheard (beyond their performers and a few friends, perhaps) unsung recordings- performances that were recorded, apparently even intended for eventual release that we gather were made, canned and haven't circulated at -all- (yet)...

(I agree that things are better done well than in haste- there was an excellently-phrased line in a novel I was reading just the other day to the same effect (I forget now by whom - I read too bloody much and too quickly, blast it. I think it may have been in Marie Brennan's wonderful "Memoirs of Lady Trent" series, but could equally well have been in something else) - but I understand the frustration of waiting for such things, too, really...)


Thanks for that post Eric - yes that's exactly what this thread is about. So if there's a recording of Tchaikovsky's piano concerto by pianist X that is sitting in an archive somewhere unreleased, that's irrelevant to this thread, as there are other recordings available of that work.  However, if there's a recording, that you know of, of a symphony by (say) Zolotarev that is sitting unreleased in an archive, then do let everyone know - as there is no other recorded version of it outstanding!

Alan Howe

QuoteSo if there's a recording of Tchaikovsky's piano concerto by pianist X that is sitting in an archive somewhere unreleased, that's irrelevant to this thread, as there are other recordings available of that work.

No, that would be irrelevant to this thread because Tchaikovsky's PC (presumably No.1) isn't unsung. On the other hand if there were a version of an unsung piece that had already been recorded but which hadn't been released, that would be relevant here. OK?