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Brüll piano music from cpo

Started by Mark Thomas, Tuesday 09 June 2009, 07:50

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Mark Thomas

It seems that cpo have at last woken up to  Brüll. They've announced a new CD with Alexandra Oehler playing some significant piano works: Piano Sonata op.73, Suite No.2 op.71 and the collection 7 Albumblätter für die Jugend op. 33 together with extracts from other collections.

Alan Howe

Rats! You beat me to it, Mark. Looks interesting indeed...


Awesome.  Those piano concerti on Hyperion were quite a revelation. 


I used to own a Genesis (?) recording of the second concerto back in vinyl days.  I remember the performance as more exciting than the Hyperion, but maybe that was my youth...;)  At any rate the coupling was a nice overture, Richard III, perhaps?  It would be good to have that piece back in the catalogue...



Edurba, I really agree with you! Was the overture, "Macbeth"? I lament that it has not been transferred to CD. Overtures are wonders in their own right. I know it isn't viable to hear many operas, even though some we may never hear undoubtedly contain  memorable, beautiful music.However, we could have a small glimpse, if compilations of overtures were recorded.If they proved popular and commercially viable, some secure, ambitious label could maybe even do a series.Such a project would give us so much music!Some composers whose overtures I've wished for include Halevy, Conradin Kreutzer, Nicolo Isouard, Catel, LeSueur, Paer, Hummel, Ambroise Thomas, Franz Danzi, Flotow, Franz Lachner,and Louis Niedermeyer.Do you have any composers or operas whose overtures you've never heard but wished you could?

Mark Thomas

The Brüll overture was Macbeth, and a really fine piece it is. In fact, I'd say that it's the best work of his which I have heard including the two piano concertos and the Symphony.


After the Piano concertos & Sonata, I cannot get enough of Brull .
A CD of Brull's piano music has been released on Cameo Classics (CC9030CD):
The works are op45, op51, op11 & op72, also his  beautiful romantic  Symphony & Serenade no1 is on Cameo CC9027CD, his overture to Macbeth & the beautiful slow movement from his Violin Concerto in A minor op41 is on Cameo #CC9026CD, together with The Jadassohn Symphony no1 & Jadassohn Piano concerto no1.All of these works are first class creations, and worthy of nomination for the "unsung gold medal" if that ever appears.
Lets hope the Violin Concerto makes the catalogue soon, as judging from this 2nd mvt,it is a work of quality.

Mark Thomas

Yes, Brüll is a very enjoyable composer. I have radio recordings of some of some of the other overtures and of the other two serenades and they all exhibit the same tunefulness and nicely judged craftsmanship. Of course, the obverse of the Brüll coin is that there's nothing which is going to surprise you and that can make his music sound rather samey. I like the story that he wanted to make a, for him, rather daring modulation but he gave up the idea after his family talked him out of it!

Alan Howe

I find Brüll pretty bland, I have to say. By far the most attractive piece of his which I've heard is the slow movement of the VC. Where are Hyperion when you need them...?