Hyperion RPC series: possible upcoming release

Started by dmitterd, Wednesday 21 March 2018, 01:17

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Alan Howe

Sorry to hear you've been unwell, Gareth. Get well soon!

Gareth Vaughan

Thank you very much, Alan. Much appreciated.

I should add to my earlier post that I think Simon Callaghan would be excellent in all this repertoire, although Valentina Seferinova has been looking at the Beer-Wallbrunn and likes it very much. And  of course, Oliver Triendl,  I am sure, would be up for anything.


Interestingly, Hyperion have asked a question on their FB page today asking for suggestions for future recordings for the RPC series. Not sure if they've seen this thread!
Best regards,

Gareth Vaughan

Jonathan, if you go back to Simon's post of yesterday at 13.40 you will see that it was his announcement of this invitation on Hyperion's Facebook page that has prompted the recent responses here.


... are there commercial recordings yet of Conradin Kreutzer's piano concertos?
Likewise hope Gareth continues to feel better.


I have suggested Eugen d'Albert's Piano Concerto in A major (1881, thought to be lost but manuscript found as of a 2017 article) and his Piano Concerto in G minor (1874), in addition to Louis Diémer's Konzertstück, Op. 31 as well as Hans Huber's Piano Concertos No. 2 & 4

Mark Thomas

Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Friday 19 July 2024, 17:15ask Alan or Mark to represent this forum on Hyperion's Facebook page. We can but try.
I "have but tried" on our behalf on Facebook, Gareth. :) Get well soon, my friend.

Other members should add to the suggestions there too, of course.

Gareth Vaughan

FBerwald, do you know where the performance material is for your suggestions, of it is readily available (i.e. not in private hands) and which pianist might be interested in playing them? The material for Huber 2 is at Fleisher, but only the parts, no full score, so one would have to be prepared. Performance material for Huber 4 is with the pianist Timon Altwegg, who would not wish to lend it unless he were the soloist. A record company will be more open to suggestions if much of the groundwork is done for them.

Gareth Vaughan

Gareth Vaughan

Eric, thanks so much for your kind words.
Good call on Kreutzer. There are to my knowledge no commercial recordings of his PCs. Performance materials for no. 2 are, as you know, at IMSLP. The parts for no. 1 are held by Stadtbibliothek Hannover (according to WorldCat). Don't know about no. 3. Howard Shelley would be a good choice as pianist IMHO.


Hi Gareth, reg. the manuscripts, specf. d'Albert A minor? piano Concerto, the author of the 2017 article states that he found it in the Library of Congress.
As for the even earlier G minor Piano Concerto. I have no idea except the info available on the net https://opac.rism.info/rism/Record/rism211011479?id=211011479&db=251&View=rism&Language=en
The Louis Diémer Konzertstück full score is available on IMSLP.


No.3 Op.65 doesn't even have a noncommercial taped performance to consider yet, unlike nos. 1 & 2, as we found out, though Mike Spring has the score and sent a copy to Martin Eastick. Will see if I can track down libraries with scores and parts too, etc. etc.  ...
Re LoC, it's unfortunate that their online library catalog is so unreliable, but one can't do everything from one's desk, writer sighs.


Re Kreutzer op.65, Worldcat lists 15 parts "in folio" at the British Library (or was this discussed a few years ago and it turned out they didn't have it?). The 41-page piano solo part is listed at a few other libraries and has been digitized here.


First of all I, too, wish Gareth speedy recovery.

Not being on Facebook, I cannot add suggestions there. Even if that does not help to increase chances for either the Anton Beer-Walbrunn or the Amadeus Wandelt concerto, I know that Martin Valeske, the chairman of the Beer-Walbrunn Art & Culture Association, who has put in a lot of effort and hard work to make the score available for performance, would be absolutely delighted if a recording came about – as would Wandelt's grandson.


Just read an interesting comment on FB reg Henri Herz - "The orchestral material for the 6th concerto appears to be in the Conservatoire de Liège." http://bibli.student-crlg.be/opac_css////////index.php?lvl=author_see&id=2261&page=1&nbr_lignes=50&l_typdoc=a%2Cc
Is it the full score finally, or the parts?