Ina Boyle VC, Symphony 1 & Psalm etc. from Dutton

Started by JeremyMHolmes, Wednesday 28 March 2018, 14:04

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Gareth Vaughan

This is really exciting. Ina Boyle's music is very fine IMHO.


Yes, indeed. I trust that it falls into our Romantic remit?


Well, I think there was an upload of her violin concerto here awhile back and the work can be heard on YT here (17 min?)...

A movement from the symphony.


For those who are interested in hearing more, the complete Symphony No. 1 "Glencree" is available on the BBC for a few days, as it has been broadcast on March 8:
As well as her 1934 Overture:
On YouTube, there is also her orchestral rhapsody The Magic Harp, as well as her sketch for small orchestra The Wild Geese, although played by a non-professional orchestra concerning this last work.
P.-S. Yes, the fine Violin Concerto lasts 17 minutes in all, since Ina Boyle seems to always compose concise works...

Gareth Vaughan

QuoteYes, indeed. I trust that it falls into our Romantic remit?

You bet it does!


What a charming concerto - almost like a dream.



So this and an Elgar rarities disc they are releasing seem to have 'SACD bonus tracks'. Does this mean they will only be on the SACD layer and not the CD layer? Kinda annoying since both of these CDs look very tasty.

Alan Howe

This certainly applies to the Ina Boyle CD, which has an extra 8:50 of music in SACD format only (a piece called 'Colin Clout'). Very annoying. I hope Dutton won't be repeating this egregious error of judgment.


1921 Colin Clout Pastoral for orchestra: 2332/4030/timp/hp/str   


named after a poem poss by Burns I believe, or a folk tune??

Alan Howe

...doesn't matter: I can't play it!

Thanks for the info, Eric!


QuoteThis certainly applies to the Ina Boyle CD, which has an extra 8:50 of music in SACD format only (a piece called 'Colin Clout'). Very annoying. I hope Dutton won't be repeating this egregious error of judgment.

I wholeheartedly agree, Alan, as someone else who also can't play (or digitise) that final track. Is a complaint to Dutton in order?

Gareth Vaughan

Gareth Vaughan

I have just complained via the Dutton website. It might help if others did the same. Go to the page for the Boyle CD and complete the form marked "Ask a question about this CD".