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Korngold: Das Lied der Liebe

Started by mikehopf, Friday 29 June 2018, 02:22

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Here's an oddity:

Saturday 30th June on German Radio

Opernbühne (Starts at 1705/1:05PM): Bethanienkirche Leipzig
Produktion vom 20./ 21.06.2018
Erich Wolfgang Korngold ,Das Lied der Liebe'
Operette nach der Musik zu ,Das Spitzentuch der Königin' von Johann Strauß Sohn
Libretto: Ludwig Herzer

Graf Richard von Auerspach - Adam Sanchez, Tenor
Baronin Paulette - Lilli Wünscher, Sopran
Baron Gigi - Andreas Reiner, Tenor
Tini - Laura Scherwitzl, Sopran
Lori Fallhuber - Mirjam Neururer, Sopran
Oberleutnant Puchberg - Hinrich Horn, Bass
Erzähler - Cusch Jung

Orchester der Musikalischen Komödie Leipzig
Leitung: Stefan Klingele (2 hrs., 25 min.)


Oh well, poor Strauss :-)
Korngold already adapted Strauss's "Eine Nacht in Venedig" in a way that it became a new composition. With his version, the publishers made a fortune. The most popular piece is the tenor's aria "Sei mir gegrüsst, du holdes Venetia", which Korngold took from Strauss's "Simplizius" - a simple song that became a luscious thing - and a hit... If today one wants to hire this aria separately, he has to pay rental costs of the complete score! I have made this experience once I was involved in a Swiss production of "Eine Nacht in Venedig" - and there was not enough money around to pay this absurd fee for just 2-3 minutes of music. What did I do? I re-orchestrated Strauss's "Simplizius" song anew, in a totally different way and added a new songtext. Finally, the operetta could be performed in its original version with this almost indispensable famous "insert".


Quite a nice performance, just listened to it.
They say that there will be a CD release, so it does not make sense to upload my recording.


This will definitely not figure on my Christmas wish list. Bruch's "Loreley" won. :-)

Alan Howe

Quite right too. It's wonderful, both as a work and as a performance.