Glazunov Symphonies & Concertos/Serebrier

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 05 July 2018, 17:12

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yes I had seen the pictures but you know, sometimes the booklets reveal more info not immediately apparent..and the Orfeo website is not exactly one of the best or most detailed around...we'll see.

Alan Howe


Thanks for recommending me the Järvi Glazunov box! I am enjoying it these days immensely! And the sonics are really super!

Alan Howe

I've ordered it too - but it's out of stock at the UK suppliers...


Just wanted to continue listening - and had to find out that two CDs are defective - they show scratches and signs of wear, probably caused during the packing process. SO I have to order a replacement :-(

Alan Howe

That's not good news. Hope it's not a 'batch fault'.


It is, Alan!
After checking the replacement - the same error occurs at the very same place (Disc 4, track 5, after 5:00 minutes). It sounds like a laser swish, or jump. I've just written an email to the production manageress in Munich to see what she thinks. I've checked it on 3 different players and also with an iPod transfer from my iMac through iTunes. At least the replacement box has no unscratched discs...

Alan Howe

Oh dear. Let's hope this fault can be rectified.

Alan Howe

Adriano: Do you think the fault lies with the production of CD4 or with the master recording?


Such kind of laser mistakes with data losses) almost surely happen during the disc manufacturing. A studio master cannot have such swishes. Typical studio tape flutter sounds differently. The balance engineer would notice this immediately by running the master through the usual control filters. So the next step after the original master would be the glass mastering - and the printing.
To be sure, one could eventually check this, if he has the old (single) ORFEO recording of Symphony No. 8. Anyway, let's see what Munich answers me.
Generally, all CDs have minor laser transfer/reading mistakes, but today's players can overcome them automatically (including dust particles), except if it is a "bigger case" - which I bet it is here - after also playing the disc on my Sony studio recorder/player.
But it also happens that such printing mistakes do not necessarily affect a complete printing lot. It can appear in just a part of it, caused by a minimal disturbance, so I am not sure if now we have a 100% case.
Another example: A 2003 Inedita CD containing my own orchestral arrangement of Respighi's 4-hand piano pieces displays a horrible tape flutter for a long time in its first track. During years I was trying to convice the producer to check this, and if it was possible at least to find the orginal tapes or so. He promised to contact the Austrian Sony factory, but nothing happened. Now the label manager is dead, Inedita has closed down and this shameful CD is irreparable. Not to speak about the fact that artistically it is no great revelation - and, tecnically, many amateurish edits are hearable - and takes and balance also differ in various places...
Naxos never wanted me to conduct this arrangement and one day an offer just came in came from Inedita, but its producer (and conductor) wanted to do it himself with his orchestra - and with his own recording team.
Incidentally, the CD got excellent reviews as far as its repertoire and its sound (!) were concerned.

Alan Howe

The company with whom I placed my order for the Järvi set on Orfeo has confirmed that there is indeed a batch fault and that this is why they are out of stock:

QuoteWe are aware of the issue and this is why we don't have any stock. We are just waiting to hear from the suppliers when a new print is being made.

My strong advice is (a) if you have already purchased the set, to check CD4, track 5, after 5:00 minutes - as indicated by Adriano, and (b) if you have not purchased the set, NOT to place an order until the fault has been rectified by Orfeo.

If you find that your copy has the fault, return it immediately to your retailer and request a refund, explaining that a batch fault has been discovered.


Oh, that's interesting, Alan. Thanks. The lady in Munich seems having a bad conscience for still not replying to me :-)

Alan Howe

I have been in touch with Presto Classical about the Glazunov/Järvi set. This was their reply:

QuoteI have now heard back from the supplier who has informed me that the fault has been rectified

Let's hope this is truly the case. Only one problem: How are we to know whether we're buying a new rectified set or a faulty old one?

I have emailed Presto back asking whether they've actually checked the CD in question.


... and I have written to Mrs. Wörner of Orfeo on this very same subject last week - and wait for her reply...

Alan Howe

I'll keep us all informed if and when I get a reply.