Deems Taylor Through the Looking Glass

Started by Alan Howe, Sunday 30 September 2018, 17:11

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Alan Howe

Although it's been mentioned in passing here before, I wonder whether Deems Taylor's piece might be worthy of a thread to itself...

Richard Moss


Tks for the steer on this composer - never heard of him before (but as I'm no expert so that doesn't surprise me). Anyway, had a listen to clips of that work on  e-music (who have the CD you mentioned and also another one with his 'Three Centuries' Suite on).  Again, the clips suggest a pleasant listen, even if nothing to disturb the soul too much).  All at 42p per track so I'll download next time I'm downloading from them - I think  each work is about 4 or 5 tracks.




Ever seen the Disney movie Fantasia? He's the narrator.

Anyway, this is a reissue of an old Delos CD. It's a very good one, I highly recommend it, though I'm not sure it's 100% in the purview of the forum, most of the disc leans on the impressionistic side (Griffes for sure, but Taylor's work seem to lean heavily on Ravel to my ears....Wikipedia describes him as "post-romantic")

Never heard the 'Three Centuries' piece before...this one sounds much more in line.