BBC Proms 2019 Season: Glazunov 5 concert

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 18 April 2019, 17:27

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Alan Howe

Glazunov 5 is a great Russian symphony. This must have been a matter of prejudice deafening the ability to listen to the music.

Can anyone record and upload the repeat broadcast, please?


No need to wait for the repeat. It is avilable for severla weeks on the BBC IPLayer via this link:


And here is another web link that may be easier to navigate:

There's 23 days left to listen.


Speaking of Lamia, the new Chandos CD (CHAN10981) containing this work can be expected by the end of this month :)


Dang! That was great! Thanks for the link. What a terrific concert, and terrifically programmed. Concerts like that are what we need to relieve the tedium and over-exposure of Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky and the gang. The audience's roar of approval at the end of the Glazunov was quite heartening to hear. The Russian "Eroica" indeed! The Lyadov works are just wonderful to hear, although I wish Jurowski had included "The Enchanted Laker" rather than the Vaughan Williams. The suite from Mlada is a rarity too. I've played it once and it's not easy. The orchestra played quite well - a couple of (understandable) trumpet flubs aside.

And then I have to say that I'm a bit sad, too. A sense of nostalgia and melancholy takes hold when I realize that this concert could have been done 100 years ago and most of the music is forgotten or ignored; the vast majority of classical listeners don't know it - or care to know it  - most conductors would never give it a glance. And there's not a composer alive today who could write a symphony that would get the stormy applause that this old Glazunov received. Thank you maestro Jurowski for keeping the flame lit!

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

Absolutely, and yet the Sunday Times' Paul Driver in his snide review wrote that the concert was "short on masterpieces". Rachmaninov's First Piano Concerto was "quite without Grieg-like capriciousness and charm [...] perhaps more poetry needed to be invested in this score", the Mlada Suite was "engaging", the Liadov pieces "made an interesting succession" and, as I wrote earlier, Glazunov's terrific symphony was "an academic, even tedious affair, sidestepping the interesting at every point". Clearly the audience didn't have his refined sensibilities.

Alan Howe


Well I just listened to the repeat on R3 and enjoyed it even MORE the second time. What a sensational concert, and an amazing performance.


Very much seconded! I listened to the concert on BBC sounds yesterday and I really very much enjoyed it.