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Moszkowski Johanna d'Arc

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 01 June 2019, 08:59

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Alan Howe

Forthcoming from Toccata:

Moritz MOSZKOWSKI: Orchestral Music, Volume One

Johanna d'Arc, Op. 19
Sinfonia Varsovia
Ian Hobson, conductor

Gareth Vaughan

This is most exciting. However, while not complaining, I hope there will be another piece on the disk. Fleisher gives the running time of "Joan of Arc" as 45mins.


I can't remember any short Toccata discs, but then again I hardly paid attention to THAT many.

According to the list I have, the other substantial orchestral music is three generically titled suites (no recording?), From Foreign Lands and that symphony talked about in the other thread. A number of smaller pieces exist, some of them on that Reference disc.


This is marvellous news - I've just read a short book on Moszkowski so I'm keen to hear more of his works!

Mark Thomas


Seems like this will be a 'must buy'. I wonder if it will be available as a download.

Mark Thomas

Toccata recordings are always available as downloads too, Colin.

Martin Eastick

Just a brief note about the duration of Johanna d'Arc - this checks in at a few seconds under the full hour of playing time, so allowing for breaks between movements, we have a "Symphony" of a full hour's duration, and all I can say at present is that it will be well worth waiting for - and a cracking start to an eagerly-awaited series!

Alan Howe

Oh, that's good news. Martin. Thanks.

Gareth Vaughan

May I echo Alan's thanks, Martin. The Fleisher timing must be only an estimate, based on the score alone and not an actual performance. I very much look forward to this release.

Mark Thomas

Thanks for the clarification, Martin. Do you have any information about which Moszkowski works might be planned for future releases?

Alan Howe

On the matter of published timings: these are often very approximate, in my experience. Think about it: how on earth can libraries, publishers, etc. give accurate information when a work hasn't been performed in living memory?
Consider also how widely timings vary in recordings of the same piece (excluding the matter of repeats), especially longer pieces. Elgar's symphonies, for example, can vary by more than 10 minutes...

Martin Eastick

I understand that Martin Anderson is very keen to do a complete Moszkowski project - piano solo, songs, chamber and orchestral. I don't know what the situation will be for "Boabdil" & "Laurin", but hopefully we will get the relevant orchestral suites from both as a minimum! I also hope this will put Moszkowski into true perspective, which was so lacking in the release issued by Reference, who seemed to want to perpetuate the myth that he was only a "light" composer who could not produce anything of substance! Amongst other things, we will also need to get a score and set of parts prepared for the D minor symphony, as well as the MS overture also held at BnF.

Alan Howe

The last-named would be a wonderful project. Thanks, Martin.


Cannot wait to hear the Johanna D'Arc! And eventually the Dm Symphony, if all goes well. Great news, all of this.

I ordered scans of the overture MS some time ago... made a dorico noteperformer recording some time back.,7208.0.html