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Moszkowski Johanna d'Arc

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 01 June 2019, 08:59

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M. Yaskovsky

This twitter post states the suite op.39 is recorded too. Probably it'll complement the Joan of Arc CD

Mark Thomas

Yes, that seems the clear inference.

Martin Eastick

I will be meeting with Ian Hobson shortly concerning the Moszkowski project! He is now looking to record the D minor symphony in the late autumn - as well as the 2nd and 3rd suites, but this will depend on getting score and parts prepared in time, so I will now ask if those here involved in producing the enticing sound files of both the symphony and early overture can help. If the relevant realisations can produce files capable of being converted so that the score and parts can be produced in printed form, this will be of immense help in getting this project completed in the shortest of time scales! Otherwise, both works will have to be completely re-set on an appropriate scorewriting programme which will obviously delay proceedings somewhat! Meanwhile, though, the imminent release of Johanna d'Arc should certainly whet more than a few appetites, and provide a firm launchpad for a delectable ongoing series of recordings!

Gareth Vaughan

I can't tell you how exciting I think this project is. I hope room may subsequently be found for the early and recently rediscovered Overture in D and some orchestral excerpts from Boabdil, together with the ballet Laurin, performance materials for the latter two being available at Fleischer.

Mark Thomas

I echo what Gareth has written. Such a welcome development.:

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan


Thanks for the notice, Alan. This is a very welcome release...
(British understatement!)

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

I can certainly hear Raff's influence - another point in Moszkowski's favour. Hugely looking forward to this release.

Alan Howe

Yes! Try the last movement and think Lenore! Not to mention Tchaikovsky...

Mark Thomas

Well, absolutely, but none the worse for that!

Alan Howe

No, absolutely not. Sounds extremely entertaining.