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Raff - Benedetto Marcello

Started by Kevin, Tuesday 02 July 2019, 15:53

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Mark Thomas

Yes, I read that too, but as far as I'm aware Sterling do intent to include a libretto - they certainly paid for an English translation and my preview copy has one. I'll try to get a definitive answer...


They should have the libretto as a free download on their website like some other record companies do. The libretto is essential to enjoying the work especially an obscure one like Benedetto.

Mark Thomas

As I wrote earlier, I'm checking with Sterling.

Mark Thomas

Bo Hyttner confirms that a full libretto in German and English is included.

Alan Howe

Might it be worth pointing this out to Records International?

Mark Thomas

Alan Howe


Heard an excerpt on Record Review this morning - thought I was listening to late Richard Strauss (it was that magnificent coloratura aria) and was amazed to find it was BM. Perhaps Raff's the missing link between Mozart and Strauss?

Mark Thomas

That's not as far fetched as some might think. Raff idolised Mozart and Strauss acknowledged Raff as an early influence, although he'd never have heard Benedetto Marcello, of course. The aria is indeed gorgeous, and especially effective as it's preceded by a much simpler version, shorn of the decoration and sung by the other female lead. Like all Raff, even when he's uninspired, it's clever.

Alan Howe

I thought I was listening to Zerbinetta in Ariadne! But I was in the car at the time...


This was quite lovely to listen to. There's a nice Dvorakian lyricism going on, but very much melodically Raffian(he's not far beyond Dvorak in that field). Short and sweet too, well paced. What a wonderful time we live in when we can hear rare beautiful works such as this for the first time, makes one happy to be alive. :)

Alan Howe

Having received my copy this afternoon, I'm pleased to report that the set came with an intoductory booklet and separate full German-English libretto.

Mark Thomas

Alan Howe

Just one small thing: I note that 'lyrische Oper' has been translated 'lyrical opera', whereas I think the genre is actually 'lyric opera' - no?

Alan Howe

RI have removed the incorrect information on their website concerning the lack of libretto.

Alan Howe

And what an opera this is. Pure unalloyed joy from start to finish. I can't think of anything remotely like it. Beautifully performed and sung too. Kudos to all concerned.