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Karl Weigl

Started by Steve B, Friday 15 October 2010, 17:26

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Steve B

the string Quartets 1 and 5 are lovely, especially no 1, but  takes lots of listens; yet rewards it.Anyone esle like Weigl out there?


Yes, from the little I've heard. He's been mentioned though not really discussed a couple of times in this forum (and I think in the earlier forum too) - see here and here.  There's a Weigl work list page here in French, by the way. 

I've heard one of the quartets (the A major, I think it was) from a live concert broadcast, the 5th symphony, and one or two other works.
The possibility of a Hyperion recording of the Cliffe and Weigl violin concertos is intriguing, if it should come about...


I regret although I asked about Weigl on one of those threads mentioned by Eschiss1, I still haven't investigated the cds, he does look more tempting again though now you have mentioned him. I think the reviews I read said that he was a "difficult" listen also but worth persevering with and not difficult as in Schoenberg or Webern.

Alan Howe

Hyperion will be bringing out the Cliffe and d'Erlanger VCs next February. No sign of any recording of the Weigl VC, more's the pity...

Alan Howe

Weigl is in the same sort of league as Schmidt or Zemlinsky as far as level of listening difficulty is concerned - he's not as difficult as any of the 2nd Viennese School or, say, Hindemith.


Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 15 October 2010, 19:25
Weigl is in the same sort of league as Schmidt or Zemlinsky as far as level of listening difficulty is concerned - he's not as difficult as any of the 2nd Viennese School or, say, Hindemith.
At least with the early A major quartet, Zemlinsky did often come to mind as a parallel...

Steve B

No, is certainly not atonal in ANY way, even the late(r) fifth quartet;and warmer in sound and emotion(except for the Noblissima Visione)than Hindemith, not that I don't quite like Hindemith in a bleak-ish way.

And, a la recherche of old "monster/behemoth" threads, there is an Apocalyptic/Apocalypse(sic?) Symphony on cd, which has a lovely slow movement ("Paradise"). Steve

PS. i should similarly persevere with Zemlinsky and Szymanowski:)


Quote from: Steve B on Friday 15 October 2010, 21:07
No, is certainly not atonal in ANY way, even the late(r) fifth quartet;and warmer in sound and emotion(except for the Noblissima Visione)than Hindemith, not that I don't quite like Hindemith in a bleak-ish way.

And, a la recherche of old "monster/behemoth" threads, there is an Apocalyptic/Apocalypse(sic?) Symphony on cd, which has a lovely slow movement ("Paradise"). Steve

PS. i should similarly persevere with Zemlinsky and Szymanowski:)

Well, both Zemlinsky and Szymanowski had very varied outputs stylistically, it seems to me- just compare the four Zemlinsky quartets, to start with... or perhaps for Szymanowski the three piano sonatas (though the third is not really a late work- I would just say he had more than three "periods", an oversimplification that comes from an old analysis of Beethoven...- so add there maybe as somewhat representative(?) the Stabat Mater , the 2nd violin concerto , the 4th symphony?)

Steve B

Thanks Eric for info on Szymanowski. Am going to listen to his "King Roger", with analytical notes- to help me!:)Steve


Thank you, have ordered the Weigl quartets,  :)


There are recordings of Weigl's violin concerto and the two piano concerti in the works for next year.


ahhh Yes!!! Weigl 1st Quartet is Great!! love it too!! one of my favorites  ;D


Quote from: minacciosa on Friday 22 June 2012, 01:42
There are recordings of Weigl's violin concerto and the two piano concerti in the works for next year.

Any more details - all of them in one album? I guess the VC will be played by Philippe Graffin?


I've just discovered that the piano concertos are to be recorded with Florian Krumpöck
(as announced on his web site - an earlier version of his vita even promised recordings
of Weigl's violin sonatas together with D.Frühwirth, but that has disappeared from the
current version).
As mentioned earlier in this forum, Krumpöck's  2002 premiere of Weigl's PC for left hand (1924)
had been quite dissapointing - let's hope that the new recordings will be (significantly) better.

Gareth Vaughan

There are recordings of Weigl's violin concerto and the two piano concerti in the works for next year.
Please could you be more specific? What record company is recording them and who are the performers, please?