Moszkowski Orchestral Music vol.2 from Toccata

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 29 January 2020, 22:55

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wait - why would they list an earlier version of volume 2 on the site? that would be to make of their site a palimpsest. It might be visible at the Wayback machine (

Suite 1, the overture & the prelude & fugue now intended for volume 3, anycase (as Gareth (edit: Martin, apologies.) mentioned on Friday in this thread). Don't know re the the symphony!

Martin Eastick

As mentioned in my previous post above, volume 2 "mk1", as you quite succinctly put it, will be issued as volume 3 in due course as there is still more to be done here in the recording studio, or so I believe! Hopefully this will be completed this autumn. Furthermore, I also understand that volume 4 will include the D minor Symphony coupled with (possibly - and most likely) the Don Juan and Faust incidental music. As you are probably aware, the 6 Airs de Ballet from such (Op56) appear on the San Francisco Ballet Orchestra recording, but there is also an overture, for which the orchestral material still needs to be located. This is NOT included in Moszkowski's Op56, and although it was published in a piano duet reduction, it bears no opus number.

Also, hopefully to answer Gareth's earlier query re "The Dance" for women's voices etc.etc., this is his Op44 "Der Schäfer putzte sich zum Tanz". A very short work (2 pages of piano reduction!) from a scene in Goethe's Faust! I would imagine this could easily be included in the series. Then on to "Laurin" if possible - but again the orchestral material for the complete ballet needs to be located (I think Fleisher has just three of the four excerpts which Moszkowski then also arranged for piano solo).

Gareth Vaughan

Thank you, Martin, for your very helpful and informative reply.

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas


Martin Eastick

For those interested, this exciting release is now available!


Alan Howe

This is a thoroughly enjoyable recording of thoroughly good music designed to delight and entertain - which it does in spades. There's no pretence of profundity here, but that's not really the point. Recommended. Thoroughly.

terry martyn

Many thanks,Alan,for  your wholehearted recommendation.
I have been in two minds up to now, as I hate duplication, and still have the old Louisville Orchestra recording of Suite No 3.
But you have persuaded me, and I will order it from jpc in December, whether or not they offer me the usual 20% off at that time.

Mark Thomas

Terry, you've done the right thing. This new recording is streets ahead interpretatively of that on the Louisville Orchestra LP and, of course, both the performance and recording are excellent. Plus, you get the other Suite as well, which is just as gorgeous.

Martin Eastick

I would almost go so far as to say that the 2nd Suite is the main work on this CD! Although I have always liked the third, since I acquired the old Louisville LP when originally released, this recording is far better in every respect. However, the 2nd is a more serious and substantial work altogether. A comparison between both works clearly demonstrates Moszkowski's gradual assimilation of the musical tastes - and culture of France, his recently adopted country of residence - IMHO!

Mark Thomas

Yes, I agree Martin. The 2nd Suite is the main course here.

C R Lim

A welcome addition in Toccata's ongoing series. The Third Suite may probably be familiar to adventurous collectors from the 1980s who acquired the Louisville Orchestra recording on Lp. I nearly wore out my copy by repeated listening!

The Second Suite is a first (commercial?) recording. TOCC 0557.

Looking at the personnel on this and the previous release (TOCC 0523) I came across a familiar name - "Editor - Samir Golescu". Would anyone know if this is the same person who was a regular contributor to the newsgroup? Is he a member of this forum?

I'm sure someone must know!

Alan Howe

Hi C R Lim,

You'll now see that there was already a thread on this release - in the board reserved for new releases rather than general discussions. It's always worth doing an 'entire forum' search before posting, just in case...