Tomás Bretón string quartets on Naxos

Started by Sharkkb8, Sunday 02 February 2020, 00:36

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Two of Bretón's string quartets are scheduled to be released by Naxos on March 13.  Quartet #1 in D major was featured in a Marco Polo release many years back, but this recording of #3 in E minor (1909) is identified by Naxos as a "world premiere recording".  Also, apparently a second volume to come.  Don't see it yet at Presto or Amazon UK, but Amazon USA link is below.

Naxos: "Tomas Breton's distinguished career as an opera composer and leading figure in Madrid's musical life at the turn of the 20th century has tended to overshadow the significant contribution he made to Spanish chamber music. He remained true to the historic roots of the string quartet genre- his First String Quartet being a tribute to the Viennese tradition in its Classical poise. The Third String Quartet exudes Mendelssohnian inspiration in its first movement with overtly Spanish idiom, the Allegro no mucho third movement also having been turned into a version for piano trio as the Scherzo andalou. This is the first of two albums of the complete string quartets."


according to BNF's contents listing for the Breton published edition,  there's an early quartet in G (1866)  (student music?  his also appendix piano trio in F I see no date for) plus quartet 1 in D (1904), quartet 2 Drammatico in C minor, and this #3 in E minor of 1909. Hopefully there's enough of the G major to record that too.

Mr. Sillitoe @ Musicweb in their new review mentions a recording of Breton's symphonies which I'd at best forgotten about- tempting :)