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Unreleased recordings wanted!

Started by adriano, Sunday 03 May 2020, 08:19

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With lockdown limitations on size numbers, we are already seeing a proliferation of recordings of solo works,  instrumental sonatas & art songs. As restrictions are progressively eased, can we expect more recordings of trios, quartets....sextets...  all the way up to symphonies... operas...oratorios.. and Mahler's eighth?

M. Yaskovsky


There are works that interest me that involve extremely large forces which can't be "phoned in" (arguably, "phoning in" one's part already loses a sense of "dialogue" even in a chamber duet, yes?...) and some are very significantly less known than Mahler 8- some even fall within the orbit of this group :) (and some, I think, have been recorded but not released and so fall within the area of this. The question of what recordings haven't even ever appeared on e.g. YouTube or the "tape recordings underground" but which are known to have been recorded, that's knottier, but that's what databases like Cadensa and similar can help remind me, I imagine :D