Narcisse et Echo Tcherepnin on CPO

Started by dhibbard, Thursday 11 June 2020, 00:42

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There is a brand new recording of Tcherepnin's Narcisse ete Echo on CPO this month.   I have the Chandos recording of the Residentie Orchestra of The Hague.. just wondered how it compares to this new recording on CPO?    Has anyone acquired it?


I have the disc. I like it a lot, and it includes another worked called Le Princesse Lointaine which is nice too.


He was a student of Rimsky Korsakov.....  apparently, there is quite a bit of his orchestral music not recorded yet.


I've had the new CPO disk around for a few weeks and it's wonderful. Well played, recorded, conducted. Why his music is so little known is a mystery. But them most people don't listen to much Russian music outside of the Five and Tchaikovsky. Well worth getting IMO.


Quote from: MartinH on Saturday 12 September 2020, 04:39
But them most people don't listen to much Russian music outside of the Five and Tchaikovsky. Well worth getting IMO.

Yes if only people would listen to more Rachmaninov....classicfm NEVER play his PC2 or 3, it's a shame... ;D

Alan Howe


on the other hand, as with many well-known composers, there is such a thing as little-known Rachmaninoff that should be more often heard, but I would agree that's not for this thread.
I'm under the impression that not much else by this Tcherepnin has been recorded... ok, his two operas are probably too late for this forum (1930 & 1933) even if they ever get recorded, but aside from his piano concerto, Narcisse et Echo, and Pavillon d'Armide - ah, hrm, I see a 2-CD set with his piano quintet, 2nd string quartet, and other works, so not wholly unrecorded, my bad...

Gareth Vaughan

Is there a commercial recording of his piano concerto?

Alan Howe

Joachim Raff

The sound quality is appalling. Like rubbing your ear drums with sandpaper. The quieter phases/moments are palatable but the louder sections are tiresome. Fatigue soon sets in. The pianist is rather coarse as well. Not an enjoyable listen. Too forward. Not as painful as gout but watching my big toe throb is more entertaining.  The rest of the disc is garbage.   

Alan Howe

I was simply indicating the availability of a recording, not recommending it! In this case beggars can't be choosers if one wants to hear the music...

Anyway, back to Narcisse et Echo.

Joachim Raff

You are quite right. The Piano Concerto needs some respect and the availability is criminal. Its a shame that particular recording will probably put more people off than explore the composer further.

Alan Howe

I don't agree. I have the recording and it's never put me off.

Mark Thomas

Quite, I have it too. The CD's sound is perfectly adequate, if not top notch. You shouldn't judge it by the YouTube transfer, which is much degraded compared with the original.