CDs half price at Tiroler Landesmuseum

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 03 December 2010, 23:44

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As far as I can see, it's in stock at the Landesmuseum. If you want to sample the music, you may listen to it on Youtube, too.


I have just clicked on the link now and it says "nicht vorrätig" = not in stock, which is better than deleted or otherwise no longer available of course.


I rather fear that it amounts to the same thing, though.

terry martyn

There are a number of attractive CDs still in stock at the Landesmuseum, but i have read this thread about credit card issues and would rather like an update on the situation before launching into the unknown


I haven't ordered from them in quite a while, but I've never had any problems paying by credit card – and those card issues mentioned here were from more than ten years ago...

Mark Thomas

When I was briefly in Innsbruck a few years ago I called in at the museum and bought a couple of their CDs. They were the most charming, helpful people.

terry martyn

The logical thing is for me to contact a suitable person by email at the Museum, as I would prefer to pay by bank transfer. But I have no German. Any ideas as to whom I should email will be greatly appreciated.


You may want to contact Dr. Franz Gratl, the head of the music collection at the Ferdinandeum, his email (which can also be found on their website if you scroll down far enough) is:

terry martyn

That´s very helpful and I have just emailed him

terry martyn

Unfortunately, that email has come back with an error attachment. Could I trouble you to re-send it,please, as there must be a symbol or letter that I need to alter?


That may have been a temporary error. If you go the Ferdinandeum website and scroll down to the bottom, you'll find Dr. Gratl's email and can click on it. Hope this works.

terry martyn

Clicking on the website seems to have worked! Fingers crossed,and thanks again!

terry martyn

I ordered 5 CDs without a debit card problem, including the Netzer First and Fourth and the Rufinatscha Second. Four arrived safely, but the fifth (which happened to be the Netzer) was replaced by a 3.CD set of Schubert´s last Piano Sonatas.
Mark is right. They could not have been more helpful and delightful.
One of the music curators has rung me twice. He has been to the warehouse and found treasure trove, not just the missing Netzer, but Rufinatscha´s First and Fifth (now recognised as being his Fourth), Netzer´s Second and Third,and the Gansbacher symphony dating from 1807. He is also copying me the one remaining office CD of the Pembaur. In total, including the missing Netzer, he is sending seven more CDs to me,and refusing to charge for more than two.
I told him that I would post a tribute to his kindness on here.

Alan Howe

That's wonderful. Great advocacy for some fab unsung music. Rufinatscha 1/5 is the stand-out CD.

Richard Moss

I will echo  Terry's compliments about Tiroler Landesmuseum.  I have obtained the CDs he mentioned in the past (usually during their Xmas /New Year sales) as well as their CDs of 'Romantic' Overtures by Tirolean composers, plus Pembaur's two CDs. All of them have provided enjoyable or sometimes superb listening (particularly Netzer's symphonies IIRC). I had a sticky start some years ago when first using the museum's web-site (kindly sorted by Alan's knowledge of German) after which I had no problems that a quick e-mail (or telephone) exchange didn't sort out and only courtesy and efficiency from them in my enquiries.

Sadly recently I have found no new albums to further whet my appetite and have now I think collected all their available romantic orchestral works.  However, it has introduced me to some very worthwhile romantic composers I'd never previously heard of (Rufinatscha being the first after a thread about him here at UC).

Happy listening Terry!
