Franz Lachner on Musica Bavarica Label

Started by EarlyRomantic, Thursday 13 May 2021, 20:36

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Mention of the Musica Bavarica Label in a post on the entry for Puchtler instantly reminded me that Ive known for such a long time that one release in their catalogue contains Franz Lachners Harp Concerto in D minor. Ive always wondered about it, and would love to hear it. Lachner is a favorite for me, as are Romantic Harp Concertos. So, it could be very promising. Has anyone here heard or purchased it? Is Musica Bavarica a source from which CD's are easily obtainable?

terry martyn

I had no idea!   I´ve just bought it and excited at the prospect of hearing it. Thank you, adriano!


Adriano, Thank you for your helpfulness! Also, while you are on this thread, let me say that I know who you are. I deeply admire your musical accomplishments. Your contributions to this forum are unique/ could only come from you. They enhance the musical experience of all of us who are members. Thank you sincerely for that, also. Terry, You will beat me to the purchase of this CD. Therefore, I will be grateful and excited to hear your response to the Harp Concerto.



Sharkkb8,  Now, Thank You! I have ordered from this reputable seller. So, after what could be near a decade, a tantalizing "Wish List" item will enter my life! Though it will not be a surprise, it also shouldnt go without saying: Along with the undoubted scholarship of this forum, is the cross-pollenating atmosphere of willingness to share and help. Each member can recall many of their own episodes in which another member responded with information, research, guidance, or advice. Thank you, gentlemen, for placing me quickly and gratefully on the receiving end of that today.


Thanks, EarlyRomantic, for your kind words :-)
Glad to hear that you and terry martyn can now puchase this item!

Alan Howe

Perhaps someone would kindly report back on the character/quality of this work?


I've also always been curious about this work which is, surprisingly, the second of two harp concertos Lachner wrote.

terry martyn has despatched the CD, with an arrival date of no later than the 29th. I will play it as soon as I receive it, and report back. Not only does it contain the Lachner work, but the Witt will be of considerable interest, as I have a number of his symphonies on vinyl and CD,and his flute concerto,which is early Romantic in style.


My awareness of this recording dates from 10-15 years ago. I never forgot it, but what I didnt know was if it was still available/ in circulation. I thank Adriano for helping me to know that it is. I learned of this concerto, and, yes, the second one from The New Grove biography/ list of compositions for Lachner. The Harp Concertos are in C minor, and D minor. As if not one, but two Harp Concertos was not exciting and surprising enough, he also wrote a similarly early Bassoon Concerto. The fog of my memory wants me to say that it is also in a minor key. Ive enjoyed that the news of the concertos has excited some of you.


Thank you for all the details EarlyRomantic and Terry! I'm wondering if the bassoon concerto (E-flat major) has been recorded? He titled it as concertino and it seems to be a very early work. There's more info on RISM:


Adriano, Those links are not generous with full information, but Im wondering if that work is by Ignaz Lachner?( It rings a tiny bell). Id rather it be yet another composition by Franz! Most of all, thank you for continuing to explore this topic! I didnt expect this much interest to be stimulated by my original question.

Gareth Vaughan

I think it is IGNAZ Lachner's Concertino, Op. 43. Can't find a mention of any Concertino for bassoon and horn by FRANZ in any online worklists of his.