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Koch, Friedrich Ernst (1862 - 1927)

Started by Reverie, Friday 10 December 2021, 22:20

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Friedrich Koch was born in Berlin and studied cello with Robert Hausmann and composition with Woldemar Bargiel at the Berlin Hochschule für Musik. He served as a cellist in the Royal Orchestra of Berlin between 1882 and 1891, after which he accepted a position of music director (Kapellmeister) at Baden-Baden.

A year later, he returned to Berlin, where he concentrated on composing and teaching, eventually becoming a professor and director of theory at the Musikhochschule where he had studied.

His Symphony No.2, Op.10 dates from 1891. It is dedicated to Hans von Bulow. I have completed a rendition of the first movement.

Here is the link  (12:30) I'd be interested in hearing what you think of this. The last decade of the 19th century was a period of rapid change.

Alan Howe

I thought this was superb - there's some Wagner/Strauss in the mix, and some terrific climaxes - very exciting. How long might the whole symphony be, Martin?


An rough estimate would be about 45/50 mins. I have the rest of the symphony about half done in parts.

The trouble is I have so much part done. I need to be more disciplined and actually finish stuff.

Anyway I think Herr Koch's symphony deserves to be resurrected in full. It's powerful stuff for 1891. To think Mahler's 1st symphony was about the same time (and I'm NOT comparing them in any way of course)

Alan Howe

Very interesting. All I can say is: do the rest!!

Mark Thomas

Friedrich Koch is another new name to be but, my word, this is a strong piece with a great sense of momentum. It leaps out of the starting gate and doesn't let up, really quite an invigorating listen first thing in the morning. It's great to know that we might hear the rest of it, Martin. Thanks, yet again.

Martin Eastick

I acquired this CD some years ago and never expected to hear any more of Friedrich Koch's music soon! These short piano trio movements are delightful and certainly make one wish to hear more of his music - and now we can here what his symphonic abilities are! Surely CPO might be interested?