Josef Pembaur snr Symphony In Tirol in F major (1884)

Started by terry martyn, Sunday 24 April 2022, 10:33

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terry martyn

I was lucky indeed to receive this CD the other day from the Landesmuseen and my first impressions are very favourable. I expected that it would be rather similar to Raff´s genial Symphony In the Alps but I reckon the flavours here are slightly more subtle, especially in the misty opening movement. By the time we get to the third movement, we are in the realms of Goldmark´s masterly and felicitous Rustic Wedding Symphony.
We are in the Tyrol, but I would say South Tyrol . The more the symphony developed, the more I was put in mind of Impressions d'Italie, as if Charpentier had ventured across the late-nineteenth century frontier.
There is a sprightly Spring Overture and a Cello Concerto which is Late Romantic (composed near the end of Pembaur´s life ,in 1910). I will have to give this darker and more melancholic concerto a few more outings before I am sure I am suitable for its nuances.


I can't seem to find this CD for purchase anywhere


The CDs the museum presently lists don't seem to contain a Pembaur symphony, weirdly...

Richard Moss

Tyrol Landsmuseum will need to be contacted directly.  Unfortunately their on-line shop is (or at least was) in  German only. I know I shouldn't speak for him, but Alan was very helpful to me some years ago when I wanted to make some purchases from them.  Likewise, I believe Terry must have successfully negotiated the traps and hurdles their web-site offers.

I would offer my own help but I know I get muddled too readily these days and would hate to lead you  astray.  I have also found them very helpful on either the phone or e-mail once you have obtained the correct contact point.

Happy hunting - certainly their catalogue of romantic works is thin but I've found all of what they do have to be a pleasing listen.

Best wishes


Alan Howe

It's probably gone out of print (it came out in 2008). It's no longer listed at the Tiroler Landesmuseen website, unfortunately.

You could try contacting them by email:


Yes. Just because the site's in German doesn't render it untranslatable using Google Chrome...

Alan Howe

Try emailing them in English. If there are any language problems, just let me know...

terry martyn

Dr Andreas Holzmann was a wonderful help at the Museum.   He personally searched the archives and found at least one Pembaur there,although it was not listed as being in stock.  I think that there may be a couple more,but you would need to ask him.   I know for sure that the Rufinatscha Piano Concerto is neither listed,nor in the archives anymore. But I see it has suddenly become available on Discogs............

Alan Howe

Let's hope they can come up with a copy of the CD.

The Symphony 'In Tirol' is a very attractive and quite individual-sounding work: imagine, say, Bruckner crossed with Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony...

Alan Howe

The Symphony can be heard here:

It really is a joyous work - guaranteed to lift one's spirits.


The Idyll is terrific! I'm glad we have it on YouTube but I would prefer the CD if it has improved sound quality.

The album doesn't seem to be available digitally anywhere.

terry martyn

I heartily recommend the CD,Justin.    A telephone call to the museum shop set me off in the right direction.  Dr Holzmann is a kindred spirit.
