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Wilms Piano Concertos vol.2

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 17 November 2022, 22:18

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Alan Howe

...forthcoming from BIS (featuring fortepiano):

Try Op.55 in E flat. Wonder who he'd been listening to?!! Plagiarism corner...

Gareth Vaughan

Fascinating! And attractive music - pity about the fortepiano. I cannot believe Wilms would have been other than delighted to hear his concertos played on a more modern instrument.


Sorry, Gareth but I think it sounds gorgeous - and I love the fortepiano! I'm sure Wilms would have been delighted to hear his music played so wonderfully on the instrument for which it was written. ;D

Gareth Vaughan

Well, we can't agree about everything. I am glad you like the sound. I just don't think it serves a grand and obviously Beethoven inspired creation as well as would a modern concert grand. To my ears it works better for the earlier concertos recorded on the first BIS disk.

Alan Howe

I agree with Gareth but, unlike the 'tinkly' first volume, this is a must for me on account of the later concerti featured.

terry martyn

I thought that volume one could safely be given a miss for the same sort of reasons, but I reckon I will have to have this one, as we are into our territory here.

terry martyn

I have changed my mind, and will be getting both volumes. The reasons are:
1) I forgot that this is his 250th anniversary
2) I read on a couple of complimentary reviews about the musical intelligence of vol 1
3) it would be good to listen to his musical progression over the whole cycle.


I intend to listen to them myself, and also that Concertzender, if they are still doing those Dutch Composer of the Month series and if they update them (they had a fine series on Wilms quite awhile back, but before these discs were recorded), will include parts of them in a later run :)

Gareth Vaughan

I see from the worklist at IMSLP that Wilms wrote 2 further PCs, both without opus number: one in E minor (1815) and one with no key ascribed to it, dated 1823. I wonder if these exist and whether they will comprise a Volume 3.


The Nederlands Muziekinstituut lists another in C major, Op. 12 from about 1803. The listing is a bit unclear as to the condition of the material, claiming that there are "only the cello and double bass parts", but also mentioning "14 parts".

Gareth Vaughan

The C major, op. 12 is recorded on Vol. 1, together with the op. 3 harpsichord concerto in E major (played on fortepiano) and the D major piano concerto, op. 26.


Alan Howe

The E flat concerto is an absolute hoot. How to write a complete rip-off the Emperor concerto with a fraction of Beethoven's genius. Well worth a listen, though...

terry martyn

I am longing to hear it,Alan, when Presto finally get round to despatching my order.  Can't wait!

Mark Thomas

QuoteWell worth a listen, though
I couldn't agree more. It's thoroughly derivative but thoroughly enjoyable, despite the forte piano.