Hermann Suter - George Templeton Strong Concert

Started by Justin, Monday 24 July 2023, 00:22

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Available until August 2nd. I have noted time stamps for the two relevant composers for this thread.


11:20 - Hermann Suter (1870-1926): Violin Concerto in A major, Op. 23 (1921)

59:41 - George Templeton Strong (1856-1948): From a Notebook of Sketches, Suite No. 3 (Piano duets from early 1890s, orchestrations from early 1940s)

Swiss Orchestra
Conducted by Lena-Lisa Wüstendörfer
Michael Barenboim, violin

Concert from May 14, 2023, Tonhalle Zurich


The Suter concerto apparently with these performers (same concert, too?) will be on a digital release listed by Presto as due out 12 January 2024.
Is "Swiss Orchestra" a specific orchestra or a placeholder description ("a" Swiss Orchestra)? It's also the name on the Prospero Classics digital recording, so I'm assuming the former...
