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Piano Concertos -- The List

Started by Amphissa, Monday 21 February 2011, 23:12

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I don't really need any scores, since my ability to read music is dreadful. I just noticed that Martucci's 1st PC wasn't there, and yet I found it out there on the Intertubes. So, I was just uncertain why some things seem to be there and others not. Copyright is a good reason.


If I may indulge myself...
there's an edition of the Martucci D minor concerto published in 1979 edited by Pietro Spada. Worldcat doesn't seem offhand to mention earlier.  That one causes problems in Canada because Spada is alive and because it was published less than 51 years ago. (Op.40 I seem to recall- I'm not positive... is attached to the organ sonata sometimes, to the piano concerto no.1 sometimes - leading to some confusion. Usually it's attached to the sonata, and the piano concerto no.1 is just op.posth. I think. I may be mistaken and it may be the other way around.) I don't know what the situation would be if someone found a library copy of the manuscript and scanned it in, or made their own Sibelius/Lilypond/... typeset based on the manuscript (not on Spada's edition - unfortunately some people try to get away with this sort of nonsense, making a typeset that's basically a slightly modified rehash of someone else's copyrighted edition - in which case it's really we admin's responsibility to delete it without further ado...) and did a bit of editing and produced their own edition,  releasing it on Lilypond under CC-3.0 - essentially the same thing - the essential question being whether the manuscript of the concerto is considered in pub. domain (and if so in which copyright regions).

I mention Canada again because IMSLP is hosted there. There -are- scores on IMSLP that  are not PD-Canada or CC (Creative Commons-licensed) because the and servers allow people in Europe and in the US to upload works public domain in those regions for download access to people in those regions only (and copyright admins, I should suppose. I hope to figure out how to use so I can transfer/mirror Wellesz' first two string quartets to IMSLP as part of the huge Sibley Mirroring Project- Wellesz died in 1974 and so is not a PD-Canada composer, but the 2 quartets were published before 1923 and so are PD-US. Ah, copyright law. :) anyway. Here endeth my digression. )


Bill Gates would think twice before buying a Spada Edition. The ones I have considered purchasing in the past were horrificly expensive.

Anyway, the manuscript of the Martucci Concerto No.1 has been digitalised and it would not surprise me if the chap that did it (not me) were to upload it to IMSLP in the not too distant future. It is easily readable.



Quote from: thalbergmad on Tuesday 01 March 2011, 23:04
Anyway, the manuscript of the Martucci Concerto No.1 has been digitalised and it would not surprise me if the chap that did it (not me) were to upload it to IMSLP in the not too distant future. It is easily readable.


It might not pass copyright rule inspection, because of the way manuscript law is written- and so as not to write a whole paragiraffe about things I only think I know, I stop there... (ok, one thing. I'm not too worried- one of the main thing, I think, and the two important ones here, for many countries' manuscript © law, I think is, date of first perf. and/or publication - so - the question becomes - when the D minor concerto was premiered.)