Presto's futures (next 90 days) cup runneth over

Started by jasthill, Saturday 29 June 2024, 04:22

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Late this past night I checked out Presto's next 90 days:

Bernhard Stavenhagen: Piano Concerto No. 2, 3 Orchestral Songs
Johannes Bernardus van Bree: Violin Concerto · Fantasy · Overtures
Augusta Holmès: Symphonic Poems
Carl Reinecke: Symphony No. 2 · Overtures
Emilie Mayer: Three Violin Sonatas
Max Reger: Violin Concerto op. 101
Hans Huber: Piano Quintets 1 & 2
Rita Strohl: Volume 2, Musique de Chambre
Victor Bendix: Symphonies 1 & 3
Johannes Brahms: First Symphony (Live Recording) (Cover says First Recording Ersteinspielung - Urfassung) ???
Wilhelm Kienzl: Four Song-Cycles
Friedrich Hermann: Violin Music, Vol. 1 - Solo Works

Prepare to empty your wallet, forget the trip to the beach, go check it out for yourself.


That Brahms guy seems interesing. I've heard of him, I think.

I assume this is the recording you meant? I think the "Ersteinspielung" merely refers to the original version of the slow movement, but the packaging of the CD could be seen as deceptive were it not for the other nine thousand recordings of Brahms' first.

Oh, and finally a decent recording (very decent by the sound of things) of the Bendix symphonies? That would be great. Although here the packaging is also slightly puzzling, of a style normally associated with modernist 20th century fare.

Alan Howe

It may be sensible to start separate threads on some of these very welcome goodies, lest confusion reigns...


Having seen this list, I'm rather glad that I've changed my job and am better renumerated than I was!  :)

Alan Howe

Please see the various individual threads on these recordings - thanks to jasthill for spotting them!