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Novák Sonata Eroica

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 28 February 2011, 01:43

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Alan Howe

Allow me to recommend the new recording by Radoslav Kvapil of the Sonata Eroica (1900) by Novák (1870-1949) on the Alto label. This is a tremendous piece which truly lives up to its title. Excerpts here (the first two tracks feature the sonata)...


Have heard of but not heard this work but I note the Sonata Eroica has appeared a few times on LP and CD before, usually on Supraphon in all cases (and Worldcat claims that Kvapil has also recorded some Novak piano music now for "E1 Entertainment" by the way, but that may be the same as the Alto CD.) Has anyone caught these last few appearances (the LP a recording by Frantisek Rauch with both LP and CD incarnations - I assume, possibly mistakenly, just one recording made around the 1950s that's been re-released in LP days and on CD also; and a more recent CD performance by Martin Vojtisek)?

Mark Thomas

Thanks for the recommendation, Alan. It sounds a tremendous piece and jpc now have one fewer!


I've listened to the audio samples (thank you, jpc) of both the new CD by Radoslav Kvapil and the 3 CD set by František Rauch (pupil of Novák) on the Supraphon (Archiv) label, released in 2003.
The excerpts of the Sonata Eroica surely sounds most interesting enough to buy the CD. Since I've never heard anything else by Novák, I've listened to all other audio samples. What a lovely, sparkling piano music Novák has composed. Just listen for example to the 6 Sonatinen für Klavier here .
So now is the question, which CD shall I buy? Kvapil on DDD quality or Rauch on ADD quality? I really wonder whether I can hear the difference in quality of the recordings, even on my sophisticated Bose CD player. Can anybody tell me? It's the same thing as the so-called Hybrid Super Audio CD's. Can I really hear the SACD quality? At my age (57) I cannot hear all those high tones anymore. It must be a marketing argument, I guess. Well, this is going off-topic.


my favorite Novak work by the way, is the cello sonata in G minor from near the end of his life, a largely brief, lyrical work which still ends with a furious ostinato movement. (I have not heard its - only? - CD recording; there was an LP coupling it with his also late 3rd string quartet, both works and both performances very fine - though of course OOP etc.)


Quote from: eschiss1 on Wednesday 02 March 2011, 01:47
my favorite Novak work by the way, is the cello sonata in G minor from near the end of his life, a largely brief, lyrical work which still ends with a furious ostinato movement.
Largely brief?  Is that like jumbo shrimp?  :)


Quote from: JimL on Wednesday 02 March 2011, 01:58
Largely brief?  Is that like jumbo shrimp?  :)

Thank you for noticing that. That's what I get for changing my mind mid-thought and not adjusting what I was writing to match my new ideas. I was writing "largely lyrical" then remembered I'd wanted to put "brief" somewhere in there (my recording of the 1941 sonata in G minor op.68 is 20 minutes , one movement in three sections - Allegro appassionato (4.5 minutes), Assai sostenuto, con intimissimo sentimento (I may have that wrong) - 6.5 minutes - concluding with a Poco meno - poco più (8.5 minutes in the recording i have) .)



Novak is one of my favorite Czech composers. I rank him up there with Dvorak and Fibich. He shines in his orchestral works, including De Profundis, Slovak Suite, South Bohemian Suite, In the Tatra Mtns, and Pan (the last is certainly epic). But the most impressive work I've got is Boure (the Storm) symphonic cantata. I've searched for a decent price recording for a few months - received it a few weeks ago. Great romantic music.



Pan needs a good modern least one that isn't OOP. The only one Arkiv lists is from the 50s.

(I have the orchestral version from Marco Polo, but I believe it was orchestrated by someone else)


I don't know much specifically about the sonata eroica, though- have been able to find out that it was composed ca.1900, his opus 24 for piano.

Ah, I see there's a score (edited, Urtext-editing so that there have been adjudged to be no copyright issues, by Frantisek Rauch), at IMSLP. Will have a look at that - will learn some more, anyway...


Has anyone heard his opera 'The Lantern'? I have been unable to find any reviews. (Maybe I'll just have to take the plunge & shell out). The excerpts I've heard sound intriguing & are well performed.


Oops sorry,a bit off topic there.


Quote from: Pengelli on Wednesday 02 March 2011, 12:52
Oops sorry,a bit off topic there.

Well, he deserves a topic in the other forum, I say, if he hasn't had one. Of his own or, if necessary, together with the best of his contemporaries and students.


hrm. also as to the sonata- 2 movements, the first beginning Allegro patetico in F minor but very mutable and ending in D-flat major; second movement an Andante mesto - poco più - poco più - Andante - Doppio movimento - più mosso in C-sharp minor.


I finally was able to listen to this disc.  What delightful music!

Every work is a gem.  The Sonata Eroica is powerful and deserving of its name. However, the highlight, for me, was the original version for piano of Novák's Slovak Suite.  I had enjoyed for years his orchestration, but this was even better I think.  The last movement - At Night - is lovely beyond words.  I could not imagine a better performance than that of Kvapil's.

Thanks to Alan for the initial recommendation.  This, indeed, is a must-have CD.