Potter Symphonies complete cycle!

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 05 August 2024, 14:23

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Alan Howe

News from conductor Howard Griffiths:

The next instalment of the Potter symphonies will be released in the autumn and by November I will have completed recording all of his nine symphonies with the BBCNOW.


Expect  online comments, serious and otherwise, in various fora thinking that these have something to do with certain recentish books. That said, more seriously, excellent news!


Great news indeed, and if it were assumed to be true that
Quote from: eschiss1 on Monday 05 August 2024, 14:35these have something to do with certain recentish books,
would they not rather be conducted by Howard Gryffindor...

Gareth Vaughan

Terrific news as far as I am concerned. How marvellous it will be to have a complete set of Potter's symphonies.

Martin Eastick

This is indeed excellent news! I just hope we won't have to wait too long for them to be released.

Perhaps some enterprising chamber group(s) would now like to investigate his chamber music, perhaps starting with his piano sextet!

terry martyn

Excellent news indeed.   The ones we already have are individualistic, almost to the point of being quirky at times.

Alan Howe

And how good of Howard Shelley to let us know!

Correction: Howard Griffiths. Brain finally in gear!

Gareth Vaughan

Heartily agree, Alan. As you know, I have had some dealings with him re. Holbrooke and have found him a very nice man.

terry martyn

Which Howard were you referring to,Gareth?

Gareth Vaughan

Sorry. I meant Howard Griffiths - and I think Alan meant "Griffiths" too, since Howard Shelley is not associated with the CPO Potter project.

Alan Howe


Yes, pleasing to see an unsung composer receiving serious attention.


In fairness, Shelley too hasn't been avoiding unsung repertoire in the past or recently (e.g. Tellefsen) so it  wasn't an impossible mistake :)