Braunfels - Jeanne d'Arc (on Capriccio)

Started by vesteel, Friday 06 September 2024, 18:08

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A new recording has just been released under Capriccio -

It is the 2013 Salzburg Festival live performance under Manfred Honeck and the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra. Cast: Juliane Banse, Martin Gantner, Pavol Breslik, Johan Reuter, Ruben Drole.

I also see that Honeck and Banse already recorded this opera w/ the Swedish Radio Symphony that was released on Decca in 2010. Since that recording was a 2001 performance (the premiere I read!), I wonder how would this performance would compare to the earlier recording? It's also my first time hearing about this opera for some reason, considering that I already know Braunfels and his spectacular Die Vögel and Te Deum!

Alan Howe

I've listened to excerpts from this late Braunfels opera (it was completed in 1943) and concluded that it just about falls within the outer edge of our remit. Not my cup of tea at all, I'm afraid, as I look for rather more melody in opera than is on offer here, but others may disagree, of course. I can listen to late Strauss, but this (for me) is rather hard work...

Members may like to consult this earlier thread on the Decca recording:,685.0.html