Schreker der Ferne Klang Botstein

Started by Pengelli, Monday 07 March 2011, 14:41

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Schreker's 'Der Ferne Klang' with the American Symphony Orchestra conducted by Botstein,is available as a download from Amazon on March 21st. Does anyone here have any views about this performance? I know there's a Schreker buff on the board somewhere.


Thanks for this - hadn't spotted it at all! I think that the performances (at least from the musical standpoint) attracted extremely favourable reviews so I'll probably be investigating it at some point.

Incidentally, Botstein and the American Symphony Orchestra have done some fabulously unsung works and made them available as downloads. I'm very tempted by the Marx Herbstsymphonie ( - has anybody heard this yet?

£7.49 seems very reasonable for this colossal work, but I'm not going to pay the same for Raff's The Tempest or The Four Temperaments Waltz by Johann Strauss I - can anybody explain the strange and quite random pricing of the ASO downloads on Amazon and suggest an alternative site where these shorter items are more sensibly priced?  ???

Mark Thomas

I believe that they're all available from eMusic, where you get a fixed number of downloads for a monthly fee. That would work out a lot cheaper if you're a member (I'm not because I don't like the commitment).


Thanks, Mark - I don't like subscription sites very much either and anyway I only buy downloads where there is no other alternative. Have you heard the ASO performance of the Marx? I also notice that they have Hausegger's Wieland der Schmied ( - although again £7.49 for an 18-minute piece!  :o


I am satisfied with another recording of "Der Ferne Klang" by another infaticable champion of the unsung, Gerd Albrecht
(Capriccio 60024-2). That was released in 1991; I could find and buy it six or five years ago. By the way does anyone like to write about the actual presence of Schreker in the concert hall? In 45 years I heard and saw three performances of "Prelude to a Great Drama" (an extended version of the prelude to "Die Gezeneichten", one of the youthful "Romantic Suite" and one of "Nachtstucke" (an extended version of an interlude from "Der Ferne Klang"). Two performances, between five, in the last three years: in small figures, an improvement for Schreker.


Unfortunately he's still little-played in the concert-hall, but recent years have seen an upswing in Schreker's fortunes at least in European opera houses, with Irrelohe coming to Bonn next month (

Particularly important in terms of broadening the repertoire was the 2010 Chemnitz production of Der Schmied von Gent - it was recorded by CPO as part of their ongoing Schreker series - I've got an off-air recording of this highly enjoyable performance, but when will CPO give it a commercially release?  ::)


I'm thinking of splasing out on the DVD of 'Die Gezeichneten' before it gets deleted & I find myself at the mercy of Amazon sellers. I KNOW I want it!!!!
   Thanks for the info about the Botstein, Marx 'Herbstsymphonie'. I didn't spot THAT one!
Wish they'd release a version of 'Der Schatzgraber' without Gabriele blinking Schnaut! Why do Opera companies give parts to singers with voices like that? Ouch,my ears!!!!


Giving in to temptation (how uncharacteristic  ::)), I've just downloaded, burned and listened to the ASO/ Botstein performance of Marx's complete Herbstsymphonie - wunderbar!

With the beginning of the first movement clearly influenced by Schreker's celeste and harp-laden opening to the Vorspiel zu einem Drama, the symphony proceeds on it's colourful course with ne'er a dull moment. The performance is excellent with very little 'audience participation' and I can strongly recommend it!  ;D


This work has a legendary status that bears a striking resemblance to a certain other work of statuesque proportions,shall we say. But maybe not the notoriety or the cult following. At any rate,this will be VERY HARD TO RESIST!
I wonder other wonders Botstein has in store for us?

Gareth Vaughan

I still hope for Hiller's "The Fall of Jerusalem".


Was a little confusing when I ran into a score of Klughardt's Zerstörung..., but I guess the text on which it was based was popular. ..erm. Anyway.

Alan Howe

Off-topic, but mentioned in this thread: you can buy a superlative download of Marx's Herbstsymphonie here...
The performance was given by the Grosses Orchester Graz under Michel Swierczewski in October 2005. The sound is excellent and the performance quite wonderful.

BTW either Botstein makes some cuts or his temp are very fast: his TT is 58:52, whereas Swierczewski takes 73:33!!!!! Caveat emptor, maybe?


Thanks for this link, Alan - never come across MicMacMusic before!

Yes, 58 versus 73 minutes is quite a difference and for the cost of 3 Euros I'll certainly have to give the Graz recording a try, but (whether there are cuts in the score or not) I have to say that the ASO performance is highly enjoyable in every respect.  :)


Thanks to Alan's link, I've just downloaded and burned the Graz performance for the cost of £2.66! From being a legendary work languishing in dusty obscurity, the Herbstsymphonie is in danger of becoming hackneyed!  ;)


Sounds like Mick McManus,I mean,MicMacMusic won that bout!